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Intrada: OUT OF AFRICA (2CD) (John Barry)

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Intrada announces an expanded edition of what is regarded as one of John Barry's finest: the Oscar-winning music to the 1985 Universal Pictures film Out of Africa. It is also one of the last albums produced by Doug Fake, to whom this release is dedicated. The lengthy film is sparsely scored, especially considering the expansive nature of the film and beautiful scenery. The 37-minute score is just all the more powerful when it does appear, including the spectacular "Flight Over Africa" sequence. Included in this release are themes and ideas not present on the original MCA album released at the time of the film, premiering some true Barry gems.

The release was mastered by Doug Fake and Chris Malone and features liner notes by Barry expert Jon Burlingame. The complete soundtrack is sourced from Dan Wallin’s original half-inch 15 I.P.S., Dolby-A-encoded three-channel stereo mixes made on November 4, 5, 6 & 8, 1985. After the regular scoring sessions were completed, Barry had one last pickup session to record two additional alternate cues. Barry also supervised the traditional African piece and the other source cues.

Out of Africa, directed by Sydney Pollack, is a romantic drama based on the autobiographical book by Karen Blixen. The film stars Meryl Streep as Blixen, a Danish woman who moves to Kenya in the early 20th century to run a coffee plantation with her husband, played by Klaus Maria Brandauer. The story follows her personal journey as she navigates the challenges of life in Africa, forms deep relationships with the locals, and embarks on a passionate affair with a British hunter, played by Robert Redford. The film explores themes of love, loss, and the beauty of the African landscape. It won seven Academy Awards in addition to Best Score: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction and Best Sound.

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CD 1 Out of Africa – The Score
01. I Had A Farm In Africa (Main Title) (3:16)
02. Alone On The Farm (Karen’s Theme) (0:59)
03. The Farm (0:47)
04. Have You Got A Story For Me? (1:18)
05. Bror Returns (Karen’s Theme) (0:59)
06. W.W. I (0:48)
07. Short Wait (0:27)
08. I’m Better At Hello (Karen’s Theme) (1:21)
09. Cuckoo Clock (0:27)
10. Karen’s Journey Starts (Revised) (2:06)
11. Karen’s Journey – Masai (Mix With Percussion) (1:46)
12. Karen’s Journey Ends (1:01)
13. Karen Returns From Border – III (1:23)
14. Syphilis (0:35)
15. I Had A Compass From Denys (0:28)
16. Karen Builds A School (1:16)
17. Harvest (Karen’s Theme) (2:01)
18. Safari – Part I (1:01)
19. Safari – Part II (0:37)
20. Safari – Part III (1:19)
21. Return From Safari (0:48)
22. Strange Love (1:00)
23. Flight Over Africa (2:57)
24. Don’t Move (0:40)
25. She Said Yes (0:58)
26. Meeting On The Porch (0:46)
27. Beach At Night (1:01)
28. The Dam Breaks (0:38)
29. I Think God Is Coming (0:37)
30. Trying To Get Land (Detached Strings) (0:44)
31. You’ll Keep Me Then (0:58)
32. If I Know A Song Of Africa (2:16)
33. You Are Karen M’ Sabu (1:28)
34. Out Of Africa – End Credits (2:53)
Total Score Time: 41:39

Score Alternates
35. W.W. I. (Alternate) (0:50)
36. Karen’s Journey Starts (Mix With Percussion) (2:06)
37. Karen’s Journey Starts (Mix Without Percussion) (2:06)
38. Karen’s Journey – Masai (Alternate Mix With Percussion) (1:46)
39. Karen’s Journey – Masai (Mix Without Percussion) (1:46)
40. Safari – Part III (Alternate Opening Bar) (1:10)
41. Flight Over Africa (Alternate) (2:58)
42. Trying To Get Land (Alternate) (0:42)
43. Trying To Get Land [Revised] (0:48)
44. If I Know A Song Of Africa (Alternate) (W.W. & Harp Opening) (2:16)
45. Out Of Africa – End Credits [Wild] (2:51)
46. Theme No. 1 On Oboe (1:55)
47. Theme No. 2 On Oboe (1:43)
Alternates Time: 22:57
CD 1 Total Time: 64:36

CD 2 Source Music
01. Siyawe (African Traditional) (2:15)
02. Concerto For Clarinet And Orchestra In A (K. 622) – 2nd Movement (Mozart) (7:29)
03. Sinfonia Concertante – Andante (Mozart) (10:17)
04. Divertimento In D (K. 136) (Mozart) (13:07)
05. Piano Sonata In A – 1st Movement (Mozart) (4:22)
06. The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring (W.S. Gilbert/Arthur Sullivan) (1:32)
07. Duet – From The Mikado (W.S. Gilbert/Arthur Sullivan) (2:14)
08. Let The Rest Of The World Go By (Ernest R. Ball/J. Keirn Brennan) (3:17)
Total Source Music Time: 44:33

Original 1985 Soundtrack Album
09. Main Title (I Had A Farm In Africa) (3:12)
10. I’m Better At Hello (Karen’s Theme) (1:18)
11. Have You Got A Story For Me? (1:15)
12. Concerto For Clarinet And Orchestra In A (K. 622) – 2nd Movement (Mozart) (2:50)
13. Safari (2:44)
14. Karen’s Journey/Siyawe (African Traditional) (4:50)
15. Flying Over Africa (3:25)
16. I Had A Compass From Denys (Karen’s Theme II) (2:31)
17. Alone On The Farm (1:57)
18. Let The Rest Of The World Go By (Ernest R. Ball/J. Keirn Brennan) (3:17)
19. If I Know A Song Of Africa (Karen’s Theme III) (2:12)
20. End Title (You Are Karen) (4:01)
Total Album Time: 33:32
CD 2 Total Time: 78:05

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb Osthunter:

Ich habe die Einspielung von Joel McNeely, die mir gut gefällt. Fehlt denn generell viel Musik bzw. könnte die neue Fassung auch viele kaum spürbare Variationen enthalten? Ist ja bei vielen anderen Barrys der Fall...

Das alte Album hatte knapp 27min. 
Die McNeely Einspielung (nur Score) 31min.

Nun das erste mal (!!!) alle Stücke und knapp 42min + alternates + album Versionen + Source Musik. 

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vor 31 Minuten schrieb Csongor:

Ich habe auch den Original-MCA-Soundtrack von John Barry. Gefällt mir sehr gut. Auf der CD habe ich eigentlich nichts vermisst. 

Ist ja auch kein Wunder, denn auf der jetzigen CD 1 kommen ja fast nur ganz kurze Tracks mit jeweils nicht mal einer Minute Musik hinzu. Das ist eher alles nur Stückwerk - kurz da und gleich wieder weg. Und  bei sage und schreibe 34 Tracks für insgesamt gerade mal 41 Minuten Gesamt-Score wird das Ganze doch leider sehr zerfasern. Die Alternativ-Tracks dürften auch nicht viel bringen - wirklich neu scheinen allein die beiden Themen für Oboe am Ende von CD 1 zu sein. Das ganze Klassik-Repertoire auf CD 2 hätte man sich im Prinzip auch sparen können.

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