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OXFORD ACADEMIC - Tim Greiving: John Williams - A Composer's Life (Buch)

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JOHN WILLIAMS: A COMPOSER’S LIFE by Tim Greiving is the first major biography on the renowned composer. It will be published by Oxford Academic (Oxford University Press) on September 1, 2025.
“Seeking to understand what drove Williams's musical productivity and its effects on the lives of those close to him, Greiving delves deeply into the composer's decades-long career, uncovering countless new stories and revelations. Throughout, he analyzes and describes Williams' film scores, recalling them primarily in narrative and emotional terms rather than purely musicological ones, and in doing so emphasizes one of Williams's principle strengths: his musical storytelling.
With unprecedented interview access to Williams and those close to him, Greiving presents the definitive portrait of a beloved but famously private doyen of twentieth-century pop culture.”
You can pre-order your copy at the following link:



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Wow 🤩 das sind spannende Neuigkeiten! Mir gefallen auch die Kapiteltitel. :) 

640 Pages | 31 color plates, 26 interior photographs 


ISBN: 9780197620885

Chapter 1: The Ancestral Home (1877-1932)
Chapter 2: Very First Adventure (1932-50)
Chapter 3: Leaving Home (1951-56)
Chapter 4: Love Theme (1956-68)
Chapter 5: In Search of Unicorns (1969-74)
Chapter 6: The Beginning of a Friendship (1972-76)
Chapter 7: Binary Sunset (1977)
Chapter 8: Death on the Carousel (1978-79)
Chapter 9: The Miracle of the Ark (1980-83)
Chapter 10: Cadillac of the Skies (1984-87)
Chapter 11: Somewhere in My Memory (1988-91)
Chapter 12: Journey to the Island (1991-96)
Chapter 13: Duel of the Fates (1997-99)
Chapter 14: Where Dreams Are Born (2000-03)
Chapter 15: Confluence (2004-07)
Chapter 16: Simple Gifts (2008-14)
Chapter 17: Old Friends (2015-19)
Chapter 18: Reunion and Finale (2020-24)
Epilogue: Heartwood
Acknowledgements: Close Encounters with the White Goddess


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