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Dragon's Domain: SLIPSTREAM (Elmer Bernstein)

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Dragon’s Domain Records presents the original soundtrack to SLIPSTREAM, featuring music composed by Elmer Bernstein (THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN, THE GREAT ESCAPE, TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, FAR FROM HEAVEN) for the 1989 science fiction adventure film directed by Steven Lisberger (TRON), written by Tony Kayden and Bill Bauer, starring Bob Peck (Edge Of Darkness, Jurassic Park), Mark Hamill (STAR WARS, BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES), Bill Paxton (ALIENS, TWISTER, NEAR DARK), Kitty Aldridge, Susan, Leong, Ricco Ross, Robbie Coltrane and Ben Kingsley (SNEAKERS).

SLIPSTREAM is a post-apocalyptic action-adventure story taking place in Earth’s near future after environmental destruction has rendered the Earth a rocky, windblown wasteland over which a river of wind, called the slipstream, becomes the only conduit for travel.  Matt Owens (Paxton) is a bounty hunter who swipes a wanted killer named Byron (Peck) from the custody of officer Will Tasker (Hamill) so he can collect the bounty for himself. Transporting Byron in his aircraft through the slipstream, Owens evades Tasker and his tracker, Belitski (Aldridge), while seeking a place where he can cash in on Byron. Along the way, Owens realizes Byron is more than he seems and decides to become his protector from an increasingly unstable Tasker.

SLIPSTREAM was an English production, with exteriors filmed in Cappadocia, Turkey, and the rest at Pinewood Studios. The film was produced by STAR WARS’ Gary Kurtz, who had come on board as a favor for a friend. The project reunited Kurtz with Mark Hamill for the first time since the THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, as it did with Kurtz’s co-producer Steve Lanning, a second-unit director on EMPIRE.

When SLIPSTREAM went into post-production in late 1988, Elmer Bernstein was suggested as a likely candidate to provide its score. His music for HEAVY METAL (1981), SPACEHUNTER: ADVENTURES IN THE FORBIDDEN ZONE (1983), GHOSTBUSTERS (1984), and THE BLACK CAULDRON (1985) were picturesque and grandly sweeping scores. Bernstein was delighted at the proposition to compose a broad score for the film. He invested the music with passionate melodies, ferocious action melodies and provocative sonic eloquence, aided by an exuberant performance from the London Symphony Orchestra.

Previously released on compact disc in 2011 and long sold out, Dragon’s Domain Records brings SLIPSTREAM back to the marketplace featuring music composed by the great Elmer Bernstein, performed by the London Symphony Orchestra, with a new mastering by James Nelson of Digital Outland, liner notes by noted author Randall Larson and new artwork designed by Mark Banning.

SLIPSTREAM is expected to begin shipping the week of March 24th, 2025. 

01. Prologue And Pursuit (3:12)
02. Escape (3:00)
03. Dreams (4:02)
04. Lost Android (3:02)
05. Slipstream People (2:49)
06. Avatar (4:52)
07. Travel To Dance (5:54)
08. Sacrifice (3:11)
09. Museum Society (3:53)
10. Android Love (2:54)
11. Revenge (4:50)
12. Resolution (7:32)

Total Time 49:47

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