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Herr der Ringe - Complete Recordings

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Nachdem ich letztes Jahr schon bei DVD-inside.de einen entsprechenden thread angefangen habe, habe ich heute konkreteres gefunden, was ich auch Euch hier nicht vorenthalten will:

laut http://www.empireonline.co.uk/site/news/newsstory.asp?news_id=15807 dürfen wir uns auf ein 9-CD-Set freuen:


3 CD's TTT


1 CD unveröffentlichtes mit Kommentar von Mr. Shore

Für nächstes Jahr dürfen wir uns auf eine Doppel-CD freuen, mit dem London-Konzert der Sinfonie.

Inwiefern "Empire Online" zuverlässig ist, vermag ich nicht zu beurteilen.

Frohes Weiterwarten!


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Oh, geil – gleich 9 "Herr der Ringe"-CDs auf einen Streich. Befürchte aber, der Preis dürfte sich in denselben Regionen bewegen wie für Jerry's Geburtstags-"Six-Pack" von Varese. (Hat sich allerdings gelohnt.)

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  Raisuli schrieb:
Oh, geil gleich 9 "Herr der Ringe"-CDs auf einen Streich. Befürchte aber, der Preis dürfte sich in denselben Regionen bewegen wie für Jerry's Geburtstags-"Six-Pack" von Varese. (Hat sich allerdings gelohnt.)

Da wäre dann aber der Preis relativ vernünftig. ;)

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@ daFish

Hast Recht. Solange die Musik stimmt, ist der Preis zweitrangig. Obwohl ich bei Howard Shore im Gegensatz zu Jerry wahrscheinlich etwas länger überlegen werde, ob ich mir das Set zulege. Aber so wie ich mich kenne, werde ich wieder unvernünftig sein und zugreifen, sobald das Teil erscheint...

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  Raisuli schrieb:
@ daFish

Hast Recht. Solange die Musik stimmt, ist der Preis zweitrangig. Obwohl ich bei Howard Shore im Gegensatz zu Jerry wahrscheinlich etwas länger überlegen werde, ob ich mir das Set zulege. Aber so wie ich mich kenne, werde ich wieder unvernünftig sein und zugreifen, sobald das Teil erscheint...

Ja das kenne ich nur zu gut. ;)

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  • 9 Monate später...
  • 2 Monate später...

Interessant in dem Zusammenhang im filmscoremonthly-Thread ist eine Aussage zu Matrix:

re: Matrix - it's superexpensive with the re-use fees.

Da ist offenbar auch jemand dran.

Hier noch ein anderer Thread, wo Freude Verbreitet wird:

http://tinyurl.com/84r9o (führt zu herr-der-ringe-film.de, es ist KEIN Affiliate Link)



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  • 1 Monat später...

Im FSM Forum gibt es ein kleines Update von Douglas Adams:

  DougAdams schrieb:
Hi guys,

Im very sorry for dropping off the face of the earth for a while.

I was delayed.

Actually, I was recovering from surgery and in my slow moving, foggy state was trying to dedicate my clearer hours to getting work done. My inbox has got some nasty cobwebs on it, but I promise Ill get back to all of you who have written in the past weeks.

Ok, so let me try to address a couple of questions:

Q: Is the box set still coming out?

A: Yes, yes and yes.

Q: Will it begin coming out soon?

A: Yes.

Q: When?

A: I cant say. Sorry. Itll start later this year. The first release date is tentatively set, dont fret.

Q: Will it include all the music?

A: Yes, essentially. It will contain every piece of music heard in the DVD cut of the film.

Q: Wait, essentially? Whats that supposed to mean?

A: Not much, relax. Its possible that if composition X contains a phrase of 5/4 Isengard percussion music seven times in a row, they may trim it to three to create a more sensible musical experience. But, even these decisions are not absolutely finalized, so its possibly a moot point. The bottom line is this: If a piece of music appears in the DVD cut of Lord of the Rings, it will be on CD. If a piece of music was written for the Lord of the Rings and not used, it will be on CD. If a piece of music was written and used in Lord of the Rings but slightly edited in the film, the piece of music as originally composed, performed and recorded, will be on CD.

Q: But rumors have been floating around for so long about this being left out of that left out, are you sure?

A: Yes. There is a reason for the cageyness exhibited elsewhere in this thread, but it really deals with HOW the music is being released, not WHAT is being released. And Im sure that sounds portentous as well, but I promise, theres not call for concern. I heard the rough assembly for Fellowship when I was in NY a couple of weeks back. It was all there and it was an absolutely jaw-droppingly amazing listening experience completely different than listening to the single disc release. Theres a breadth to the writing score that I think can only be absorbed in this format. It completely envelops the listener in the narrative while highlighting the development and heart thats made this such a unique endeavor from the start. Despite the fact that Ive spent a healthy portion of the last few years surrounded by Lord of the Rings music, I was knocked over. It was so engrossing, in fact, that I was even able to ignore the pages of Shores Kong sketches sitting on the stand next to me! Well, mostly

Q: Why is this thing taking so long?

A: Well, lets pretend for a minute that Shore and his staff have no other projects right now. So well ignore History of Violence, Sun, Kong a Julliard choral commission and The Fly opera just for the sake of argument. Well also skip over the miles of red tape involved in putting a set of this magnitude out. Pretend that no one ever had to shop this project around to get the right producers in place, make sure there was proper time to edit, mix and prepare the physical product packaging, artwork etc. Theres still the issue of finding the right time to release more Lord of the Rings music. I know some people are complaining that it looks like Warners is double dipping here with the standard releases only a few years in the past, and Ill talk about that in a second. But the fact of the matter is that in the past four years, fans have sunk a lot of cash into Lord of the Rings and a sizeable portion of that as gone to CDs. If you turn around and release a CD set just a few months after the one disc Return of the King, you have to deal with a general audience thats either annoyed, slightly confused about the difference, or simply ready to focus on something else for a while. Bad timing is a sales killer, and believe it or not, putting out this music does not come without a certain investment that needs to be recouped.

Q: Get back to that double dipping thing.

A: As for the double dipping, I know the complaint exists that the full scores should have been released in the first place instead of the single CD editions currently out. (Again, well ignore the financial implications of the niche market who generally buys soundtrack CDs in the first place) But, you have to remember that the music for each Lord of the Rings film was recorded in the late summer / early fall before the respective films release, and then again in March / April for additional DVD material. Do you put out two discs in December, then another in May? Do you release everything in May and hope that the films release and awards momentum has lased 5 months past the original release? Do you just skip the DVD music and hope fans wont notice that 40+ minutes are missing off a complete release?

And Ill say again, all this is secondary to the fact that theres no way a 3 disc set of music available at the time of a films release is going to sell to the general public the way a single CD will. Its not that Im insulting a general audiences listening acumen or intelligence, its simply a case of what the market will bear. The makers were very up front right off the bat right after it was clear that Fellowship was a smash. They let us know the rest of the music would be out someday. If consumers wanted to wait until that future point to get the music, they were able to do so.

Q: What about the Music of the Lord of the Rings Films book youve been mention for years?

A: Its coming, too. It will be tied to the CDs somehow, and will begin coming out at the same time. Thats about all I can say for now. Ive got a big deadline coming up soon, so Im getting ready for crunch time! Ill be giving a little preview of the text in Orlando, FL sometime in August (I forget the weekend), so if youre really anxious!

Q: So wait, if youre doing something along with this release, and youre talking about how good it is, why should we trust you? Arent you just a big shill at this point?

A: I dont know. Maybe I am a shill now, but I hope not. Im new to this stuff so I havent yet mastered the skill of talking up something that Im genuinely proud of and excited to share with people without sounding like some back alley huckster. I made my first trip to Shores office less than a month after the release of Fellowship. In some form or another, this project has been gestating since then. This is a true labor of love for a lot of people. There will always be those who say why didnt you do this or that, but Im learning thats the nature of the beast. Its funny the distrust that you generate when you work behind closed curtains, but often thats whats necessary. If Id decided to pop the cork this time last year and start making unofficial announcements (and well ignore something one last time here, pretending that I wouldnt have been sued into the Stone Age!), Id have been announcing something completely different. In the effort to create an uncompromised product that meets the expectations of creators, listeners and suits, things take a while.

So, I think thats about the best I can do for an update right now. Id hoped to be able to come back from NY and spill all the beans, but cant quite yet. If anyone has additional questions, youre welcome to post them here and Ill try to answer the best I can, but you have to promise not to get angry if I occasionally deal the no comment card, ok?

All my best,

-Doug Adams

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Gast Earl Grey

Den Beitrag von Douglas Adams (nette Namensvetterschaft :D ) habe ich gestern auch gelesen. Ein wunderbares Beispiel dafür, wie man mit möglichst vielen Worten möglichst wenig Neues sagen kann. :) Wenn man es sich mal genau durchliest stellt man fest, daß da tatsächlich kaum etwas drinsteht, was bislang nicht auch schon bekannt war.

Naja, warten wir mal ab, bis es eine offiziellere Ankündigung gibt. Wäre sicher auch interessant zu wissen ob es tatsächlich Einzelveröffentlichungen statt einer Box geben wird, oder am Ende gar beides?

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  Earl Grey schrieb:

Naja, warten wir mal ab, bis es eine offiziellere Ankündigung gibt. Wäre sicher auch interessant zu wissen ob es tatsächlich Einzelveröffentlichungen statt einer Box geben wird, oder am Ende gar beides?

Kann ja nicht mehr solange dauern, wenn man die Postings von Dan Goldwasser liest.

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Gast Earl Grey
  daFish schrieb:
Kann ja nicht mehr solange dauern, wenn man die Postings von Dan Goldwasser liest.
Ich hoffe es! Wer ist dieser Goldwasser eigentlich, ist der irgendwie an dem Projekt beteiligt? Mir ist der Name nicht geläufig. :)
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