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Sonstiges - Rechtsstreit zwischen Monstrous Movie Music und Percepto Records!


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Wie es scheint ist der grund für die ständigen verzögerungen bei percepto records eine art rechtevendetta zwischen den produzenten der labels. Beide parteien haben dazu im FSM Forum unterschiedlich stellung genommen. Percepto:

For the record, David Schecter made the following post dated Feb 26: 2;11am:

"Actually, I'm having fun, which is helping to offset a more serious project I'm working on right now having to do with unauthorized film music releases. Some poster(s) on this thread might be very interested about this."

The "poster" he is referring to is ME and the "serious project" could be any number of direct attempts on his part to both discredit and undermine myself and my label, Percepto Records. In short, Schecter has spent the last two years attempting to derail nearly every CD I've produced over the past decade by posing as a "legal representative" of numerous composers and their families, namely those from the Golden & Silver Age who are mostly deceased. As all of my fellow soundtrack producers are aware, David has NEVER spent a day of his life in law school, nor is he qualified to represent anyone on any legal basis whatsoever. And yet he spends countless hours studying each and every Percepto release searching for some royalty loophole or error that will force the families or the studios or the union's to break down my doors and throw me in jail for fraud.

As many of you may have guessed, he did his very best on the Ronald Stein boxed set by alerting the powers-that-be that we may have included ATTACK OF THE CRAB MONSTERS without the proper clearances. When I was contacted by the studio representative, I happily offered to revise our agreement, pay them money, give them credit, whatever it took to make them happy. Hell, I even pulled our very expensive boxed set off the market out of courtesy to them until we ironed out the situation. And the outcome? That's right: David's valiant attempt to right the heinous wrongs committed by Percepto were met with...crickets. Why? Because it's ATTACK OF THE CRAB MONSTERS...

Sadly, David has yet to explain this personal vendetta, though many of my fellow soundtrack producers have come up with multiple theories: Most conclude it's pure jealously since he himself wanted to release many of the Ronald Stein scores on his own label. Who knows? Hopefully he can offer an explanation to you, if not me, someday.

Anyway, without going into more specifics (which I gladly will time permitting), I've obviously grown tired of Schecter's attacks and felt my only defense was to give you a little insight into the madness that often goes into those little compact discs we all love so deeply.

By the way, the person from "the film industry" who alerted Schecter to these posts is probably the cover artist for his own CD's, Robert Aragon, who has frequently posted under a fake name to defend Schecter in previous scuffles.

Now, I dare you to ask me about MMM vs. our two volumes of THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN. It makes the drama behind 'The Blue Box' look like 'Mister Rogers Neighborhood!'

I can name a dozen potential soundtrack releases from classic 50s/60s sci-fi/horror films that have been cancelled based on the legal rantings of David Schecter. His relentless badgering of the studios and unions has worn them down and made them skiddish about granting any rights to release these scores on CD. The biggest falsehood is that David has christened himself to be one of the industry's leading crusaders of classic genre music, and yet I believe he's done irreparable overall damage and has singlehandedly squashed any hope of getting a shocking number these scores released.

Taylor White

Percepto Records

Monstrous Movie Music:
The only reason I'm responding is because people are e-mailing me telling me that I have to read what's on this thread. No, I don't. And I won't. I'm responding based on the bits and pieces that have been e-mailed. So please -- everyone -- don't send me any more!

First of all, Mr. Robert Aragon has nothing to do with anything. He is our cover artist and has nothing to do with the music industry. The person who alerted me to the lies and nonsense up here is a prominent member of the film music community who recognizes garbage for what it is.

Second of all, I didn't go back and "edit" any of my threads. So you can clearly see this was a discussion about limited-edition soundtracks until somebody decided to go personal with me, claiming I was "bitter," and then Percepto jumped right on the bandwagon. This is how Percepto and some of his buddies always operate. They take a reasonable thread and try to turn it into a personal vendetta.

I am not going down into the gutter to do battle with anyone. All I will say is that MMM has never released anything illegally, MMM has never gotten into trouble with studios for releasing illegal product, MMM has never broken contracts or licensing agreements, MMM has never refused or failed to pay composers, publishers, studios, and other intellectual property owners. MMM has never lied, threatened, cursed at, or done a litany of other dishonest and unpleasant things.

My wife and I are very proud of our honesty, integrity, and the respect we show others, and almost everyone outside of Mr. White and his cronies recognizes the sterling reputation we have in the industry. We always try to do the right thing, and that's why the only threads you ever see bashing us are not from customers, but from posts featuring the same two people who are mad at me for reasons that I am keeping private. And I'm keeping them private because one would think these parties would want the reasons to REMAIN private.

We at MMM are easy to reach and talk to, we are happy to help out when we can (and almost always for free!), we care deeply about film music, our customers, our dealers, the rights owners, etc.

My lawyer knows what's going on, and if slanderous and untrue comments continue, then she knows what to do. We at MMM have absolutely nothing to hide.

If anyone wants to believe a pack of lies, they are welcome to. I can't prevent that. All I can say is that our label has never gotten into trouble with anyone, and we believe that speaks very highly for our honesty, ethics, and integrity.

If there are two parties stating contrary "facts" and you don't know who to believe, then it's always a safe bet to believe in the party that has shown itself to have always acted honestly. If you want to decide who's being honest here, you can always try calling MMM and Percepto and talking to us directly, because my wife and I have no fears about being contacted by anyone! Oh, I almost forgot -- Percepto doesn't post its phone number...

Dass sich beide so hart bekämpfen dürfte nicht weiter verwunderlich sein wenn man bedenkt, dass beide labels denselben, engen interessenbereich mit ihren releases abdecken (50er sci-fi/horror scores). Trotzdem ist das nicht die feine englische. Labels wie intrada, varese und fsm schaffen immerhin auch eine erfolgreiche coexistenz und die fans profitieren davon. Von so einem rechtekrieg hat dagegen keiner etwas.

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Ich glaube niemand hat hier die zeit das alles auch noch zu übersetzen, zumal der streit im FSM forum noch weiter geht und das ganze noch erheblich länger wird (es dürfte nur eine frage der zeit sein bis alles gelöscht wird. lukas kendall hat schon ein machtwort gesprochen).

Sinngemäß wirft Taylor White, produzent von percepto records, dem produzenten von MMM, David Schecter, vor, er habe die releases von percepto vorsetzlich sabotiert indem er das label angeblich grundlos bei rechteinhabern angeschwärzt habe. Dadurch wären zahlreiche veröffentlichungen nicht zustande gekommen und die studios wären übervorsichtig geworden. Schecter auf der anderen Seite ist felsenfest davon überzeugt, dass percepto seine releases oft ohne ausreichende lizenzrechtliche legitimation produziert und sieht es als seine pflicht an dieses vorgehen zu unterbinden. Im konkreten geht es wohl um die ronald stein box von percepto records, die ja bekanntlich erst angekündigt, dann auf mysteriöse weise zurückgezogen wurde und dann wieder normal verfügbar war. Ausserdem beschuldigen sich beide gegenseitig des öffentlichen rufmords. Laut beiden parteien "wissen die anwälte bescheid".

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Ich finde, das klingt so ein bisschen nach Kindergartenstreit auf einer höheren Ebene...

Ich streite mich nicht mit BigMacGyver - das war wohl ein Mißverständnis :)

Meine Englischkenntnisse sind halt nicht mehr so frisch, daher mein Unmut, einen englischen Text gänzlich durchzulesen. ;)

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Ich streite mich nicht mit BigMacGyver - das war wohl ein Mißverständnis :)

Meine Englischkenntnisse sind halt nicht mehr so frisch, daher mein Unmut, einen englischen Text gänzlich durchzulesen. ;)

Nichts für ungut, Bernd.;)

Aber Ludwig meinte Wahrscheinlich das Thema dieses Threads(Rechtsstreit):D

Herby hat vollkommen Recht Bernd ;)

Ein Streit zwischen dir und BigMac wäre ja keine "höhere Ebene". Ich bin aber mal gespannt, wie dieser Rechtsstreit(zwischen den Produzenten:p) ausgehen wird...

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