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Varèse Sarabande: Danny Elfmans Hellboy 2: The Golden Army

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Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) is the only collaboration, so far, between two icons of fantasy and horror cinema: director Guillermo del Toro and composer Danny Elfman. The sequel to del Toro’s 2004 hit Hellboy explored Mike Mignola’s comic-book mythology as the title character (Ron Perlman) and his allies at the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense must fight a mythical prince who seeks to reclaim Earth for magical creatures.

Elfman’s grandly symphonic score for Hellboy II features large orchestra and choir, providing everything from pulse-pounding action to gothic scope and offbeat humor. There’s world music for the film’s “Troll Market,” homages to the great Bernard Herrmann (an Elfman idol) in “Doorway,” and surprising intimacy for Hellboy’s relationship with Liz (Selma Blair). It’s a delightful, fantastical romp as only Elfman can provide—and a perfect match for del Toro’s vision.

“Anybody who does fantasy or horror well is somebody that I want to work with,” says Elfman in Daniel Schweiger’s new liner notes for The Deluxe Edition. Del Toro, for his part, wanted to differentiate the two Hellboy movies: “Hellboy II had an off-kilter and whimsical approach, yet one with undertones of darkness that I knew would be great for Danny. This was decidedly more melancholy because it looked at the illusion of fantasy... Everything is in decay, and that needed Danny to write a fantastic symphony for Mike Mignola’s universe.”

Hellboy II: The Golden Army was released in a 20-track, hour-long program by Varèse Sarabande at the time of the film. The Deluxe Edition debuts a 39-track, 82-minute expanded score across two discs, with a 24-page booklet.

Track List:

CD 1
1. Introduction (from Hellboy II)
2. Hellboy II – Main Theme
3. Enter Mr. Wink
4. Auction House
5. Hallway Cruise
6. Intro Big Red *
7. Domestic Fight *
8. Where Fairies Dwell (unedited original version) #
9. Red’s OK *
10. Royal Family *
11. A Big Decision*
12. Manning Ridicule / Father And Son
13. Mein Herring
14. Teleplasty
15. Intimidated? / Secret Agent Suite *
16. Entering Troll Market / Marketplace Suite
17. Troll Market Source *
18. Troll Market Source (alt) *
19. Princess And Abe *
20. Search And Interrogation *
21. Reading Each Other *

CD 2
1. Market Fight / Ground Wink
2. Little Informants / The Bean Suite *
3. Birth Of A God *
4. Elemental Flight 1 & 2 *
5. The Last Elemental
6. Big Decision
7. A Link *
8. Fuck - Used *
9. He’s Here *
10. Spear (film version) #
11. The Dilemma
12. Recollection *
13. They’re Off *
14. Doorway - Pts. 1-3
15. A Choice
16. Decision Made Pt. 1 & Pt. 2 Suite *
17. Army Chamber / Kill Them (film version)
18. Finale (from Hellboy II) (film version)

*Unreleased Music
#Extended Music
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  • 4 Monate später...

Konnte mich mit der Musik bisher nicht anfreunden. Sie hat zwar alle Stil-Elemente, die Elfman auszeichnen, allerdings fehlt ein wirklich prägnantes Thema, so dass es  sich irgendwie nach reiner "Fingerübung" anfühlt. Habe daher auf die Doppel-CD verzichtet, die 2LP benötige ich ja sowieso nicht.

Der Beltrami ist da IMO überzeugender.

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