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2x Mark Snow von BSX Records


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Gestern Abend hat BSX Records die Veröffentlichung von 2 Mark Snow-Soundtracks bekannt gegeben:


BUYSOUNDTRAX Records presents CONUNDRUM aka FRAME BY FRAME, featuring music composed by Mark Snow for the 1996 thriller written and directed by Douglas Barr (THE FALL GUY, THE WIZARD), starring Marg Helgenberger (C.S.I., CHINA BEACH) and Michael Biehn (THE TERMINATOR, ALIENS, TOMBSTONE) .

Released in 1996, CONUNDRUM aired on the Showtime cable network and tells the story of Stash and Rose, two Minneapolis police officers trying to break a gambling racket in the local Vietnamese community. While the two partners are working the case, they are involved in a shootout. One of the victims in the shootout turns out to be the son of the local gang boss. In reprisal, Stashs pregnant wife is killed in their own home. When the gang member who is suspected of the murder turns up dead, Stash himself becomes a suspect and his only alibi is his partner, who he has become personally involved with, which puts Rose in a very precarious situation.

To score CONUNDRUM, director Douglas Barr turned to Mark Snow. They had worked together previously on another thriller, DEAD BADGE, and would go on to collaborate on a total of four projects. At this time, Mark was already involved scoring THE X-FILES and was preparing to begin work on MILLENNIUM. In many ways, Snows music for CONUNDRUM anticipates the kind of writing style he would use on MILLENNIUM, primarily dark textures contrasted with poignant and evocative melodies. For CONUNDRUM, Mark Snow composed a score that emphasizes piano, voice, percussion and sampled orchestra to achieve a rich sound structure that significantly enhances the film. The score is comprised of three essential elements. A compelling love theme for piano, a haunting melody augmented by female voice for Rose and a layered series of synth tonalities punctuated by percussion to heighten the suspense and mystery of the film.

Mark Snow is primarily known for his work in the medium of television, including many seasons of music scoring for shows such as THE X-FILES, MILLENNIUM, SMALLVILLE, GHOST WHISPERER, NOWHERE MAN and many others. Mark is considered one of televisions most capable composers. The large percentage of his musical output has centered around the subjects of the supernatural, the macabre and outright science fiction or dark fantasy but there have been occasions for him to break out and work on other projects, such as the 2006 romantic drama, PRIVATE FEARS IN PUBLIC PLACES, for Alain Resnais, the great French director.

Mark Snow has worked on more than a hundred television movies and series, PC games and feature films including THE X-FILES, MILLENNIUM, SMALLVILLE, GHOST WHISPERER, NOWHERE MAN and the recent THE X-FILES: I WANT TO BELIEVE feature film. Mark has been nominated for 14 Primetime Emmy awards since 1984 and won at least 19 ASCAP awards. The composer is also a founding member of the legendary New York Rock'n'Roll ensemble, along with fellow composer Michael Kamen. The band was signed to Atlantic Records and Mark toured and recorded with them for 5 years before turning his focus to writing music for film and television.

BUYSOUNDTRAX Records presents the original motion picture soundtrack to CONUNDRUM, featuring music composed by Mark Snow. CONUNDRUM is a limited edition release of 1000 units. The first 100 copies ordered through the website will include a booklet signed by composer Mark Snow.


More than a myth. Less than a legend. And a bit too big for his boots

BUYSOUNDTRAX Records presents JAKE SPEED, featuring music composed and performed by Mark Snow for the 1986 action comedy directed by Andrew Lane, written by Lane and Wayne Crawford, starring Crawford as Jake Speed himself, along with Dennis Christopher, Karen Kopins and John Hurt.

Released just before the summer in 1986, JAKE SPEED is a goofy action/adventure film about a old-fashioned adventure hero who doesnt work for money but instead chooses to help people in trouble just because he wants to help and he wants to have a good time. Made in the wake of two Indiana Jones films, the script is not content to just be about an old school pulp hero going around the world on adventures but instead is interested in examining what can happen when you take a character like this and drop him into the modern world of white slavers, terrorists and nuclear weapons, similar in tone to THE LAST ACTION HERO. Despite the ambitious premise of the script, the film stays within the boundaries of its PG rating and is ultimately a lot of fun, a great movie to enjoy on a Saturday afternoon. Despite the harshness of the real world Jake finds himself in, he never loses his sense of humor or his sense of optimism.

JAKE SPEED is an early feature film score for Mark Snow. The composer himself will tell you that hes still not sure how he got the call for the project. Prior to JAKE SPEED, he had mostly composed music for television shows such as THE ROOKIES, HART TO HART, T.J. HOOKER and many features for television. Snow had just finished putting together an electronic music studio in his home and JAKE SPEED became the first score he composed and produced in the new workroom. An electronic score, JAKE SPEED was conceived and performed on the Synclavier, an early synthesizer and sampler that allowed Snow to input a variety of sounds and manipulate them in a myriad of different ways. The main instrumental texture in the score comes from pan pipes, augmented with bass guitar and some percussion elements.

Mark Snow has worked on more than a hundred television movies and series, PC games and feature films including THE X-FILES, MILLENNIUM, SMALLVILLE, GHOST WHISPERER, NOWHERE MAN and the recent THE X-FILES: I WANT TO BELIEVE feature film. The large percentage of his musical output has centered around the subjects of the supernatural, the macabre and outright science fiction or dark fantasy but there have been occasions for him to break out and work on other projects, such as the 2006 romantic drama, PRIVATE FEARS IN PUBLIC PLACES, for Alain Resnais, the great French director. Amongst his large body of work, there are a few projects, like JAKE SPEED, that have allowed the composer to take a step back and just have a good time. Mark has been nominated for 14 Primetime Emmy awards since 1984 and won at least 19 ASCAP awards. The composer is also a founding member of the legendary New York Rock'n'Roll ensemble, along with fellow composer Michael Kamen. The band was signed to Atlantic Records and Mark toured and recorded with them for 5 years before turning his focus to writing music for film and television.

JAKE SPEED. Hes rewriting the book on adventure.

BUYSOUNDTRAX Records presents the original motion picture soundtrack to JAKE SPEED, featuring music composed and performed by Mark Snow. JAKE SPEED is a limited edition release of 1000 units.

The first 100 copies ordered through the website will include a booklet signed by composer Mark Snow.

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hmmmm toll BSX mal wieder, da muss ich also auf die signierten Exemplare verzichten weil ich woanders bestellen muss...

Wie kommt's? BSX akzeptiert doch Kreditkarten UND Paypal. Letztere Zahlungsmöglichkeit sollte doch eigentlich mittlerweile jeder haben, der regelmäßig über Ebay etwas kauft.

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Da es sich bei Mark Snow um einen meiner Lieblinge handelt, habe ich mal das Risiko auf mich genommen und direkt bei BSX bestellt...:)...allerdings muss ich dazu sagen, dass ich bisher noch nie Probleme mit BSX hatte. Gut, bis die CDs bei mir sind, vergehen manchmal schon einige Wochen, aber angekommen sind bisher alle meine Bestellungen. Aber "normale" CDs würde ich da auch nicht bestellen, eben wegen der langen Wartezeit.

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Ich würde schon alleine wegen der mangelnden zuverlässigkeit nicht bei bsx bestellen. Nur unter ganz besonderen umständen kaufe ich direkt bei bsx.

Okay, ich habe ja auch schon oft über BSX geflucht, aber wenn man auf signierte Booklets "scharf" ist, läßt es sich einfach nicht vermeiden, direkt bei denen zu bestellen.

Interessanterweise scheint die Abarbeitung laufender Bestellungen bei BSX aber immer unterschiedlich zu sein. Die signierte PUSHING DAISIES habe ich beispielsweise am 22.01.2009 bestellt. Am gleichen Tag wurde meine Kreditkarte belastet; die CD kam am 09.03.2009 an. Das sind gerade mal 12 Werktage ... vollkommen in Ordnung. Die signierten THE SPIRIT und THE TALES OF DESPEREAUX aus der gleichen (!!!) Bestellung sind hingegen noch nicht angekommen.

Ähnliches gilt für BSX's "Extra-Sektion" signierter Booklets:

Auf THE FUNHOUSE, PRANKS etc. warte ich auch schon fünf Wochen.

Vielleicht sollte ich mal wieder eine Mail schicken. :)

hmmmm toll BSX mal wieder, da muss ich also auf die signierten Exemplare verzichten weil ich woanders bestellen muss...

Okay, wenn Dir aber ein signiertes Booklet wichtig ist, dann kommst Du in diesem Fall nicht an BSX vorbei. Wenn es Dir rein um die Musik geht , dann kannst Du selbstverständlich auch woanders kaufen.

Bearbeitet von Bernd Junker
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Joah, auf meine beiden signierten Lee-Holdridge-CDs warte ich nun auch schon fast 3 Wochen...:)

Blöd finde ich aber, dass man bei BSX PayPal immer noch nicht als Zahlungsmöglichkeit in den Shop integriert hat, das ist dann immer etwas umständlich. Zumal Mark Banning ja noch einen Shop betreibt, bei dem man die Joe-Harnell-CDs bestellen kann und dort ist PayPal ganz normal integriert.

Bearbeitet von Alexander Grodzinski
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Gast Stefan Jania
Joah, auf meine beiden signierten Lee-Holdridge-CDs warte ich nun auch schon fast 3 Wochen...:)

Meine kamen vorgestern. Abgeschickt am 10. März. Zuerst war ich sauer, dass ich nur zwei versiegelte CDs im Umschlag vorfand und keine signierten Booklets. Die habe ich dann aber doch gefunden, als ich die CD geöffnet habe. Sowohl ein unsigniertes Cover als auch ein signiertes Cover waren jeweils in der Hülle. :)

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Die habe ich dann aber doch gefunden, als ich die CD geöffnet habe. Sowohl ein unsigniertes Cover als auch ein signiertes Cover waren jeweils in der Hülle. :)

Wie? Du hattest versiegelte Ware bekommen und darin befanden sich signierte Booklets? Bis dato kannte ich nur zwei Variante:


CD versiegelte (inkl. Booklet) + separates signiertes Booklet

(= zwei Booklets)


CD unversiegelt + Booklet signiert

(= ein Booklet)

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  • 1 Monat später...
So, dafür lässt sich BSX mit den beiden Snows Zeit. Bernd hat sie schon letzte Woche bekommen, ich warte immer noch darauf, habe sofort nach der Bekanntgabe bestellt. :D

Tröste Dich, Alex ... auf "The Funhouse", "Unlikely Heroes", "Pranks" und "Pastime" warte ich seit dem 04. Februar 2009 !!! Und wie ich ja bereits an anderer Stelle berichtet habe, werden meine Mails ja mittlerweile seitens BSX geblockt.

Aber so lange die nicht meine Kreditkarte belasten, muß ich "das" wohl in der Kategorie "mehr Luft als alles andere" verbuchen. Ärgern tut es mich aber trotzdem. ;)

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