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Veröffentlichung - Hanover Street, Nightwing, Lure of Wilderness und Russkies von Varése


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Hanover Street

Limited Edition of 3000 copies


Music Composed by John Barry

Arguably the most sought after, never-before-released, score by John Barry! Without question it is one of the greats by one of the greats! Hanover Street (1979) is finally available! A 30th anniversary rescue! Believe it!

An epic love story set during the London Blitz of WWII this is prime Barry from the time of The Black Hole (1979), Moonraker (1979), Somewhere In Time (1980) and Raise The Titanic (1980).

War-torn Europe is the setting for this Peter Hyams-directed romantic action/adventure from Columbia Pictures about the fateful entanglements of two men in love with the same woman. Lt. David Halloran (Harrison Ford), a courageous American bomber pilot, and a British nurse (Lesley-Anne Down) accidentally meet during an air raid and fall instantly in love. Committed to an assignment, David asks her to meet him two weeks later in spite of the fact that she is married. And she does. Her husband, Paul Sellinger (Christopher Plummer), is a British intelligence officer in charge of a special, dangerous mission behind enemy lines. As fate would have it, Halloran is chosen to fly Sellinger on the task. When their plane is shot down, the two must work together to complete the mission - and it is only then that Halloran discovers who Sellinger is.

John Barrys complete score has been painstakingly restored, filling the CD to capacity! Over 60 minutes of music in glorious stereo plus four bonus cues taken from the sole surviving mono source this release of Hanover Street has been nothing short of an epic production unto itself. Its a score that has been held as a holy grail by many since the day they first heard it! This very special release, which launches a very special year for the Varèse Sarabande CD Club, is for them and for all fans of lush, unabashedly romantic, film music!

1. Main Title (3:44)

2. David Meets Margaret (1:31)

3. The Bombing (3:15)

4. On Hanover Street (3:25)

5. Making Love (2:08)

6. Home Life (1:37)

7. Countryside And Courtship (1:57)

8. Christmas Eve (1:45)

9. Trying To Forget (3:20)

10. Message From Paul (1:30)

11. Change Of Plans (1:33)

12. Direct Hit (1:59)

13. Bail Out Over France (3:08)

14. Gestapo Headquarters (2:07)

15. Cover Blown (6:03)

16. A Resourceful Man (2:47)

17. Motorcycle Chase And Bridge Battle (4:14)

18. Finale (3:56)

19. End Credits (2:37)

Bonus Tracks:

20. Chatanooga Choo-Choo (Source) (2:45)

21. Little Brown Jug (Source) (3:26)

22. Finale (Alternate) (3:58)

23. Gestapo Headquarters (Revised - mono) (2:07)

24. Cover Blown (Revised - mono) (6:01)

25. Motorcycle Chase And Bridge Battle (Revised - mono) (4:24)

26. Finale (Revised - mono) (3:48)



Limited Edition of 1500 copies


Music Composed and Conducted by Henry Mancini

Henry Mancini is one of the most famous and successful film composers of all time. Unfortunately his extraordinary success as a songwriter and composer for romantic comedies came at the expense of him receiving much attention for his darker or more dramatic scores. Lifeforce (1985) is a masterpiece. Even The Great Mouse Detective allowed Mancini to whip up quite an orchestral storm for the Big Ben Chase. People forget that Henry Mancini actually began his career with pictures like It Came From Outer Space (1953), Creature From The Black Lagoon (1954) and Tarantula (1955)! Nightwing comes from that family, but its from 1979! It gave Mancini a chance to return to his roots. The cult film, recently resurrected for a late night screening in Los Angeles for a group of the films devoted fans, was directed by Arthur Hiller (Love Story, Penelope, Author! Author!) and starred Nick Mancuso, Kathryn Harrold and David Warner. The score features some of Mancinis most mystical, spiritual and hypnotic writing, alongside a good old-fashioned Battle In The Bat Cave!

Nick Mancuso is Youngman Duran, a Maskai Indian tribal deputy torn between the modern world and the ancient mysticism of his people. During his patrol one day, Duran is summoned to investigate the bizarre death of a horse. The animal exhibits razor-sharp wounds that no coyote or mountain lion could inflict. Meanwhile, Duran's girlfriend, Anne (Kathryn Harrold), is on a camping trip in the desert. That night, Anne's party is attacked by thousands of swarming bats, leaving Anne as the only survivor. Duran learns of the attack and sets out to save her but, his most difficult task looms ahead. How will he stop the sinister menace that is terrorizing the area?

Henry Mancini recorded the main title from Nightwing for his album Mancini In Surround Mostly Monsters, Murders and Mysteries, but the original soundtrack makes it world premier here! It's hard to believe that the films of 1979 are now celebarting 30-year anniversaries!

1. Main Title (3:16)

2. Abners Painting (1:16)

3. Visit To Kochina Springs (1:18)

4. Just A Chill (:49)

5. Abner Has Left (:58)

6. Be Careful (:34)

7. Abners Burial (2:28)

8. Up In Smoke (1:15)

9. Hes Risen (:25)

10. Escape From The Bats (:47)

11. Goin Fishin (2:11)

12. Dead Priests (:46)

13. The Lines Cross (1:34)

14. Search For Anne (3:55)

15. They Are Evil (1:17)

16. Return To The Root (2:57)

17. The Bat Nest (2:45)

18. They Are Evil II (1:30)

19. Battle In The Bat Cave (5:18)

20. Finale / End Title (1:59)

21. Nightwing (4:13)

Bonus Tracks:

22. Bat Song (1:33)

23. Bat Song II (1:19)


Lure Of The Wilderness

Limited Edition of 1000 copies


Music Composed and Conducted by Franz Waxman

Well, heres one that is probably not on very many lists of scores that people have been dying for. In fact, its probably a score that not many people have ever heard or even heard of, for that matter! But isnt that part of what makes film music so much fun? The truly great composers were almost all so prolific that even a composers most dedicated fans will not have heard everything.

In this case we have a 1952 score by Franz Waxman so you know it has to be great! And great it is!

Lure of The Wilderness was directed by Jean Negulesco (Humoresque, Johnny Belinda, Three Coins In The Fountain, Boy On A Dolphin) and starred Walter Brennan, Jean Peters and Jeffrey Hunter in a story of a young girl and her father, who is unjustly accused of murder. They seek refuge in a Georgia swamp until they are befriended by a trapper who penetrates the swamp in search of his dog.

The score is beautiful, exotic, lilting, ominous and percussive. Waxman was always musically adventurous and he most certainly held nothing back here.

It will be a musical discovery for almost everyone as though Waxman had recorded it just a few months ago! Lets just pretend that the film opens next Friday! New from 20th Century-Fox!

1. Cry Of The Swamp (9:06)

2. The Great Adventure (10:05)

3. The Stars (7:42)

4. Cottonmouth (7:42)

5. The Blue Dress (7:52)

6. Laurie (7:47)

7. The Return (11:04)



Limited Edition of 1000 copies


Music Composed by James Newton Howard

Everyone has their favorite score from the early days of Varèse Sarabande. We get letters all the time from people who dont understand why we havent released their favorite. This should take care of more than a few of those because weve certainly received our share of letters for this early James Newton Howard score.

Set in sunny Key West during a Fourth of July celebration, Russkies (1987) starred Joaquin Phoenix, Peter Billingsley and Stefan DeSalle as three buddies who sneak off to their secret fort and to their surprise discover a Russian sailor hiding there. He is Mischa (Whip Hubley), who with two shipmates was assigned to sneak into the town military base to steal certain computer parts. Unfortunately, a rafting accident left him stranded and alone. The boys eventually decide to help poor Mischa make it back to his home.

1. Main Title (1:50)

2. Dannys Theme (5:04)

3. Men Against The Sea (2:30)

4. The Submarine (3:16)

5. Danny Enters Bunker (1:11)

6. Danny Flies (1:07)

7. The Cuban Project (2:10)

8. Sgt. Slammer (1:08)

9. On The Ball (:34)

10. The Old Russian Folk Song (1:08)

11. Ramay Chases Russkies (1:49)

12. Sgt. Kovack (1:18)

13. Mischa Throws Fish (2:19)

14. Kids Bike Through Town (:59)

15. After The Fight (:59) 16. Mischa Cuts Fence (:47)

17. Danny Escapes (:29)

18. Youre in America Now (:45)

19. The End of the Dream (1:51)

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  Beaverhausen schrieb:
der mancini klingt recht nett. aber ansonsten einer der uninteressantesten veröffentlichungen, oder?

Definitiv nicht! Allein der Waxman ist ne Perle. Kommt der Mancini dazu und für alle Barry-Fans lang erwartet "Hanover Street". Was will man mehr. Varese schwimmt immer wunderbar gegen den Strom und beschert uns VÖ mit denen man nicht gerechnet hat. Aber ich bin sicher: der nächste Goldsmith kommt bestimmt :).

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Eigentlich ist es eine schöne Veröffentlichung, die eine breite Masse von Fans anspicht. Es gibt ne Menge Barry-Fans und Howard-Sammler, die sich darüber freuen.

Und Golden-Age-Freunde gibt es auch viele. Sicherlich ist der Waxman -wegen der Limitierung- am schnellsten weg.

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  Heiko Heinrichs schrieb:
Eigentlich ist es eine schöne Veröffentlichung, die eine breite Masse von Fans anspicht. Es gibt ne Menge Barry-Fans und Howard-Sammler, die sich darüber freuen.

Und genau deswegen habe ich mir diese beiden Scores bestellt...:)

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Also ich persönlich hatte mehr erwartet. Die Clips sprechen mich meistens leider nur teilweise an. Der Opener vom Barry und vom Mancini klingen durchaus nett ... aber die anderen Tracks der beiden CD klingen mir etwas zu belanglos ... aber ich bin ja ohnehin kein Fan von Clip-Hören. Meistens macht das gesamte Album erst die eigentliche Wirkung. Der Howard ist mir definitiv zu viel Synth. Um das zu mögen müsste ich den Score kennen und wirklich auf meiner Must-Have-Liste haben ... Und der Waxman? Naja, ich hab leider (noch) keine große Waxman-Sammlung, da reizen mich andere Scores von ihm eher ...

Schade, ich hatte auch auf einen neuen Goldsmith gehofft. Naja, so hab ich wenigstens genug Geld für meinen nächsten Spanien-Score-Deal :). Und vielleicht ringe ich mich doch noch zum Mancini durch ...

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nen Horrorscore von Mancini is zwar interessant, mir leidets aber am Budget da, das klingt zu schraddelig und billig, da werf ich mir lieber LIFEFORCE rein... der Rest ist nichts für mich und RUSSKIES ist doch nen billig-Synth-Score aus JNH Anfangszeit, was grad mal für Komplettisten und Hardcore-80er-Fans akzeptabel ist.

Trotzdem nett von Varese dass sie doch ne ganz andere Gruppe ansprechen als Intrada oder LLL... meistens...

na ich warte noch auf LINK... der kommt sicher... CATS EYE und NO MERCY sicher auch, die kosten eh nichts...

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Der Waxman wäre vielleicht sein Geld wert, aber allzu scharf bin ich selbst auf den jetzt nicht...

Für die anderen drei Scores würde ich, den Hörproben nach zu urteilen, beinahe Geld verlangen als welches dafür auszugeben.

Lahmes MOONRAKER-Recycling beim Barry, seichte Suspense beim Mancini und ganz fürchterliches Synthesizer-Gedröhne beim Howard.

Ne, Townson, vielen Dank - eine der uninteressantesten Staffeln seit langem.

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Ich habe mir die Soundclips vom Waxman jetzt mehrmals angehört und es macht schon einen ordentlichen Eindruck. So etwas urwüchsiges - vielleicht eine Mischung aus L'Impero del Sole und King Kong :) Aber so richtig zünden, das kann ich noch nicht behaupten. Ist wohl mit Recht ein Waxman zweiter Garnitur, was ja immer noch ziemlich gut ist - beim Golden Age ist man aber irgendwie anspruchsvoller...

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Die Höhrproben zu "Hanover Street" gefallen mir sehr :D Was bei diesem Release auch sehr auffällig ist, sind die langen Tracks. Wenn ich genau gerechnet habe beträgt die Gesamtlaufzeit des Albums 79:08 Minuten! :) Nicht schlecht.

Hm... ansonsten hätte ich mir auch interessantere Alben gewünscht, der Rest gefällt mir nicht so.

Bearbeitet von neo
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