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Kritzerland is proud to present its newest limited edition CD the original motion picture soundtrack from Two For The Seesaw, with music by Andre Previn. We are especially pleased that the release announcement just happens to coincide with Mr. Previns 80th birthday.

A true Kritzerland Holy Grail, Two For The Seesaw is one of Previns most beautiful scores. The film, one of three that Previn scored in 1962 (the others were Long Days Journey Into Night and The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse), starred Shirley MacLaine and Robert Mitchum and was adapted from the hit play by William Gibson. Robert Wise directed (fresh off his Academy Award-winning blockbuster, West Side Story).

Previns score is wonderfully evocative and haunting, and features one of his most memorable themes. It perfectly captures the loneliness, yearning, and neediness of its two leading characters in one fantastic cue after another. The solo trumpet, sax, and trombone work is breathtaking, as is Previns writing for strings romantic, rueful, filled with love, pain, and the whole damned thing. And then theres the jazz element and no one did the jazz element in film scores quite like Previn. Its forty-four minutes of pure Previn heaven.

The CD has been remixed from the original three-track stereo session masters and it sounds as if it were recorded yesterday, only things recorded yesterday dont sound this good.

This release is limited to 1000 copies only. The price is $19.98 plus shipping.

CDs will ship the second week of May however, preorders placed directly through Kritzerland usually ship one to three weeks earlier. To place an order, see the cover, or hear audio samples, just visit www.kritzerland.com

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