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MovieScore Media: I Sell the Dead - Jeff Grace


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I am excited to announce that we have concluded a deal to release Jeff Grace's hilarious orchestral score for the acclaimed horror comedy I Sell the Dead on August 4. Grace, who is best known for his avant garde string quartet works (The Last Winter, The Roost, Joshua), utilizes larger forces than usual in I Sell the Dead. "The film moves with a darting confidence and it literally soars via the evocative and aggressive score by Jeff Grace," wrote Hammer to Nail in their review of the film - and the music certainly has its "violent" moments (as should any Jeff Grace horror score), but it also reflects the tongue-in-cheek qualities of the film with great flair. MovieScore Media's score album will be released just before the theatrical release of the film in the US on August 14.Here's an mp3 teaser for you: the Herrmann-esque "Langol's Island".


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