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- Mark Kilian vertont John Carpenter´s THE WARD

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So, nochmal als "eigene" Meldung :):

Wieder kein neuer Carpenter-Score, sehr schade, aber trotzdem bin ich gespannt auf die Musik dieses mir völlig unbekannten Komponisten.

Tja, die Zeit der Carpenter-Scores scheint vorbei zu sein. Nachdem schon für seine Masters-of-Horror-Episoden sein Sohn Cody die Rolle des Komponisten übernahm, wird nun für "John Carpenter´s The Ward" Mark Kilian die Musik schreiben.

When John Carpenter's The Ward ultimately reaches the big screen, it will be without a score by the main man himself, or his son Cody for that matter. Instead, the Carpenter-endorsed Mark Kilian is handling composer duties. Kilian's credits include Day Break , the Idris Elba-starring Legacy and more . The Ward is Carpenter's first feature film since Ghosts of Mars and stars Amber Heard and Danielle Panabaker. Heard plays a young woman committed to a psychiatric facility and discovers a ghost haunting the patients there.


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Varese bringt den Score am 9. August raus:

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack



Master Of Horror John Carpenter is back — and he invites you to check into THE WARD.

1966. Night. As a storm approaches the North Bend Psychiatric Hospital, something unseen walks the halls of the isolation ward. It closes in on the small bare room of a distressed young woman. As the storm peaks and the lighting strikes outside, the young girl screams in terror. As dawn breaks the next day, another young woman, Kristen, disheveled and disoriented, sets fire to an abandoned farmhouse. Captured by the local police, she is remanded to North Bend where she is processed and taken to the isolation ward — the same place we have just witnessed the other young woman terrified beyond words...

In the ward, Kristen meets the other patients: Zooey, childlike and withdrawn; Iris, artistic, prim and proper; flirtatious Sarah and the group's free spirit, Emily. While Kristen is unsure how she got there or why, she is certain that the ward has a dark secret at its core that freezes the girls into silence and she’s determined to get out — even if it’s alone.

The films of John Carpenter have inspired some of the most iconic and terrifying scores of modern times — most of them composed by Mr. Carpenter himself (Halloween, Escape From New York, Christine). On other occasions, Carpenter has engaged the likes of Ennio Morricone (The Thing) and Jack Nietzche (Starman). Composer Mark Kilian (Traitor) now joins the ranks and rises to the challenge of sending chills down the spines of Carpenter’s newest generation of fans.

Following well-received appearances at film festivals across the country, THE WARD opens in theatres on July 8.

Varese Sarabande Catalog # 302 067 110 2

Release Date: 08/09/11

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Wer, wenn nicht Varese? ;) Dort dürften wohl die meisten Carpenter-Scores erschienen sein (auch die, die er nicht selbst komponiert hat). In einem aktuellen Interview hat Carpenter es übrigens nun doch nicht mehr ausgeschlossen, in Zukunft vielleicht einmal selbst wieder in die Tasten zu hauen. Das klang letztes Jahr noch ganz anders.

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cover und trackliste


1. Opening Titles (2:35)

2. Admission (2:09)

3. Runaway (1:44)

4. Kidnapped (3:26)

5. Group Therapy (2:20)

6. Elevator Escape (2:00)

7. The Truth (2:54)

8. Thunderstorm (1:37)

9. Shower Time (4:09)

10. The Morgue (1:56)

11. Burned Alive (2:49)

12. Who Is Alice (4:42)

13. Alice Is Back (1:14)

14. Emotional Trauma (2:46)

15. Ghost Story (2:44)

16. Tormented (3:49)

17. Night Visitor (2:08)

18. Hearing Things (1:55)

19. New Home (3:07)

20. Iris Pictures (4:03)

21. Looking For Iris (3:23)

22. End Credits (4:31)

das cover sieht echt cool aus und die suite gefällt mir auch sehr gut.

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Ich finde das Cover (ist eines der neueren Postermotive) ehrlich gesagt eher hässlich. Es hat allerdings bis auf Amber Heards Anwesenheit auch mal wieder nicht das Geringste mit dem Film zu tun.

Den Score hat in einem Review mal einer als "Giallo meets Fairy Tale" beschrieben und ich finde, das trifft es ganz gut.

Ein schöner, altmodischer, fast schon märchenhafter, Score.

Hätte ich so, im Hinblick auf Kilians bisherige Scores, nicht erwartet.

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