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Peter Siedlaczek's Complete Classical Collection question

Gast AndreasvanHaren

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Gast AndreasvanHaren

Did someone here ever used and made music with Peter Siedlaczek's Complete Classical Collection? I am thinking of buying it at some point and like the samples they have on their website. How is the experience with this package? Maybe someone knows were the find users of it? It's very difficult to find more info on people who really using it.

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I don’t own this library, but a friend of mine so I remember it a little bit.

The Woodwinds are not as good as the ones from Garritan,

The Brass is OK,

The Pecussions are fine,

The Harbs are not as good as the ones from Garritan

Strings are quite good.

Choir is OK

Piano is great

Orchestral Colours are a nice tool, but composing with it feels more like music concrete than writing for an orchestra.

The Library is a bit dated. I think it was re-released and advanced a view times, but actually a lot of the instruments are around for 20 years ore so. Think about the music for X-Files ore Stargate SG-1. But again, since then they gave the sounds a view make over.

The Demos on Best Service are cleverly done, but I think you should check out some game music like Onimusha 3 ore Metal Gear Solid 2 because they used the latest version of this Library. I think the price is ok, you get a lot for it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xim8I772bYc]YouTube- Metal Gear Solid 2 Soundtrack-Tanker Incident[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQ-qn4821FU]YouTube - Onimusha 3 OST (S SIDE) / 35 - Traces of the Soul ~Onimusha 3 Staff Roll~[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwCxhzlrd68]YouTube - Shostakovich - Symphony no. 10 - mvt. i - pt. 1[/ame]

All The best JAN

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Gast AndreasvanHaren
  Jan Selzer schrieb:
I dont own this library, but a friend of mine so I remember it a little bit.

The Woodwinds are not as good as the ones from Garritan,

The Brass is OK,

The Pecussions are fine,

The Harbs are not as good as the ones from Garritan

Strings are quite good.

Choir is OK

Piano is great

Orchestral Colours are a nice tool, but composing with it feels more like music concrete than writing for an orchestra.

The Library is a bit dated. I think it was re-released and advanced a view times, but actually a lot of the instruments are around for 20 years ore so. Think about the music for X-Files ore Stargate SG-1. But again, since then they gave the sounds a view make over.

The Demos on Best Service are cleverly done, but I think you should check out some game music like Onimusha 3 ore Metal Gear Solid 2 because they used the latest version of this Library. I think the price is ok, you get a lot for it.

All The best JAN

This is done with the Complete Classical Collection? Wow, it's good enough for me then. Espeically because I don't have a very fast mac (powerpc) that probably doesn't run the newer libraries. I have written a couple of orchestral pieces that I really would like to hear performed as good as possible, so maybe I should buy this library. Thanks!

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