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Die Vorankündigungs-Veröffentlichungs-und-Gerüchte-Küche (Teil 2)

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Intrada Infos zu den Releases zum 18. September.

Two Special Releases -- one from the 70s and while it has a premiere of the complete underscore which is very much a fine work by the composer, the main attraction to some is the premiere release of the LP contents, including many famous songs.

The second release is one I'm very excited about in particular. It's a Special Collection release from the 80s, a "western" (I'm not entirely sure western is the best choice, but its the closest I could think of) score, by a big composer never represented on the Intrada label before (I don't think -- there's been so many releases it's easy to loose track). The composer doesn't have that many big orchestral scores, but when he is in front of a big orchestra, he truly shines. This is one epic, symphonic adventure that I haven't seen anyone actually ask for, which leads me to suspect it might be a bit unknown. You're all in for a treat, though

Side note: the "western" features two actors, one famous, one not as much. The one-sheet features both, and the famous actor's estate cleared usage of this, the not as famous actor's widow was not so interested in giving permission. So as goofy as that artwork is, I am a bit sore about not be able to use it for the cover.

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Laut der – allerdings wohl nicht offiziell mit dem Label bzw. der CD-Serie verbundenen – Facebook-Seite Écoutez le Cinéma ! werden am 3. November L’AÎNE DES FERCHAUX / UN FLIC (1963 / 1972) von Georges Delerue bzw. Michel Colombier auf einer CD veröffentlicht. Vier vereinzelte Tracks aus den beiden Filmen waren bislang in der gleichen Kollektion auf einem Melville-Sampler (dort: Tracks 10, 19-21) veröffentlicht worden.

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If you are already buying the set because you are a MOTU fan like moi, then please do so. If you are buying the set JUST for the cd you might want to wait.

Just sayin'. . .


Quelle: FSM Forum

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Und nicht zu vergessen von Intrada, wie von Peter schon im Barry King Kong-Thread gepostet.

First is a straight reissue of a long long long out of print score from the mid to later 80s. LP came out at the time of the film's release, CD came only from Japan with some unwanted embellishments. The composer nailed the presentation so most of the short cues not included don't add much. Larger than life epic gets sweeping, action oriented score. A good and timely one to have back in circulation.

Second score features early 70s western premiere from a composer new to Intrada. Features a western star that is as big as they come.

Both in the Special Collection.

Der erste Hint geht ganz klar auf...


Affige Zeiten! :D

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