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Soundtrack Board

MovieScore Media: NINJA (Stephen Edwards) und LEVEL 26: DARK PROPHECY (Bill Brown)

Marcus Stöhr

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2 neue Veröffentlichungen gibt es von MovieScore Media im Oktober:


Music Composed by Stephen Edwards

Released on October 5, 2010 CD/download

Stephen Edwards, who is a veteran composer of many exciting action scores, delivers one of his most epic and entertaining soundtracks for the recent Nu Image/Millennium adventure Ninja, directed by Isaac Florentine (Undisputed 2) and starring Scott Adkins. His orchestral score is thematic and heroic, and explores the clash of the Japanese and Western cultures in its mix of symphonic colors and ethnic instruments (such as shakuhachis and taiko drums). To the composer, Ninja was a martial arts love story and you can hear in his music that a lot of emotion went into the musical approach. "To me this film would have been short-changed without an orchestral score theres just not the same scope and magnificence without it!" Stephen Edwards says. We invite you all to enjoy this great action score by one of the most underrated composers in the business.


Music Composed by Bill Brown

Released on October 12, 2010 CD/download

Our Dark Prophecy album is a very unusual project. Working together for the second time with the very talented composer Bill Brown (The Devil's Tomb), we present the original soundtrack from the motion picture elements (cyber-bridges) of the unique online multimedia experience which is an interactive extension of 'Level 26' book series by CSI creator Anthony E. Zuiker. Dark Prophecy is the follow-up to the best-selling novel Dark Origins. Brown's score fuses live orchestral elements with electronic and ambient textures, and features a number of thematic ideas of which the beautiful 'Henry's Theme' for strings and piano is the most important one. The album features a lot of dark suspense music and constrasting reflective underscoring, as well as some exciting action.

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