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2m1 Records: FROZEN von Andy Garfield


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2M1 Records is very excited to announce the upcoming release of Frozen, a suspense-filled orchestral score, by Andy Garfield. A typical day on the slopes turns into a chilling nightmare for three snowboarders when they get stranded on the chairlift before their last run. As the ski patrol switches off the night lights, they realize with growing panic that they've been left behind dangling high off the ground with no way down.

With the resort closed until the following weekend and frostbite and hypothermia already setting in, the trio is forced to take desperate measures to escape off the mountain before they freeze to death. Once they make their move, they discover with horror that they have much more to fear than just the frigid cold. As they combat unexpected obstacles, they start to question if their will to survive is strong enough to overcome the worst ways to die.

Kevin Zegers (TRANSAMERICA, DAWN OF THE DEAD), Shawn Ashmore (X-MEN, THE RUINS) and Emma Bell (DOLLHOUSE, SUPERNATURAL) star in this intense suspense thriller, from writer/director Adam Green (HATCHET) and Producer Peter Block (SAW I-VI, CRANK, RAMBO).

Andy Garfield will debut the album on Oct. 24th at the Dark Delicacies signing event and then will be available from the site on Oct. 26th. This release is limited to 500 copies.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5xNthNKdD0]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

2M1 Records - Home - Frozen (Upcoming Score*Release)


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2M1 Records - Home - Frozen (Upcoming Score*Release)

Composer: Andy Garfield

Catalogue Number: 2M1-1007

Release Date: 10/24/10

Pressed CD release limited to 500 copies.


01 - Talented Socialites - Helicopter Helicopter

02 - Helicopter Fight Song - Helicopter Helicopter

03 - Lights Out

04 - The Storm

05 - Rescue Fail

06 - Rescue Fail (Alt.)

07 - Somebody Needs to Jump

08 - I'm Jumping

09 - The Bome is Stickig Out of My Leg!

10 - That Was a Wolf

11 - Please Just Climb

12 - I'm Prett Afraid

13 - I'm Sorry

14 - Pieces of Me

15 - Dog Story

16 - Mother Nature

17 - Dignity Lost

18 - Dan's Eulogy

19 - Help Me Up

20 - I Have to Tell You About the Future!

21 - You Did It!

22 - Alone

23 - Resolution

24 - She's Comin' Down the Mountain

25 - Whatever Happened to J...Oh

26 - Sole Survivor

27 - Frozen

28 - An Adam Green Film

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  • 3 Wochen später...
Unfortunately beyond our control, the upcoming releases for Frozen and Hatchet/Hatchet 2 have been pushed back to a later date. Make no mistake, these releases are still coming. Just not as soon as we had hoped.

Once we get closer to the final release date, we will make the announcement. Sorry the inconvenience.


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  • 2 Monate später...

Vorbestellungen ab Montag möglich.

2M1 Records would like to announce that we will be taking pre-orders for

the original motion picture soundtrack for the film, Frozen, starting on Monday, Jan. 24th.

The CD will begin shipping the first week of February. So be sure to check back on Monday and order your copy. Limited release of 500 copies. 

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Frozen - Pre-Order Available Now!


2M1 Records is very excited to announce the upcoming release of Frozen, a suspense-filled orchestral score, by Andy Garfield.

We are currently taking preorders for this release, copies will start shipping the first week of Feburary, be sure to get your's today as we are limited to 500 copies. All albums are signed by Andy Garfield as well as the film's director Adam Green. Also included is the complete score for Cody Snider's short, All That Remains

The CD will begin shipping the first week of February. Limited release of 500 copies. 

Composer: Andy Garfield

Catalogue Number: 2M1-1007

Release Date: January 2011

Pressed CD release limited to 500 copies.


01 - Talented Socialites - Helicopter Helicopter

02 - Helicopter Fight Song - Helicopter Helicopter

03 - Lights Out

04 - The Storm

05 - Rescue Fail

06 - Rescue Fail (Alt.)

07 - Somebody Needs to Jump

08 - I'm Jumping

09 - The Bone is Sticking Out of My Leg!

10 - That Was a Wolf

11 - Please Just Climb

12 - I'm Pretty Afraid

13 - I'm Sorry

14 - Pieces of Me

15 - Dog Story

16 - Mother Nature

17 - Dignity Lost

18 - Dan's Eulogy

19 - Help Me Up

20 - I Have to Tell You About the Future!

21 - You Did It!

22 - Alone

23 - Resolution

24 - She's Comin' Down the Mountain

25 - Whatever Happened to J...Oh

26 - Sole Survivor

27 - Frozen

28 - An Adam Green Film

All That Remains - Complete Score From The Short Film

29 - Reality

30 - Regret

31 - Remembrance

32 - Resolution

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News auf bloody-disgusting.com

BD Music News - Pre-Order 'Frozen' OST: Limited Run Of 500 Signed By Adam Green/Andy Garfield

The reviews for 'Frozen' were off the chart. People loved it and it was definitely one of the more intense horror films of last year. Well, now you can pre-order the soundtrack to the film and, get this, the limited run of 500 CD's will ALL be signed by director Adam Green and composer Andy Garfield. Talk about a cool bonus for no extra charge!

The soundtrack also includes the score to Cody Snider's short film, 'All That Remains' and the booklet features stories and interviews. Make sure to pick up your copy as those 500 are going to go fast.

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  • 2 Wochen später...

Aufgrund starken Schneefällen in den USA hatte sich der Versand ein wenig verzögert.

Die CDs wurden aber gestern ausgeliefert und sollten demnächst in eurem Briefkasten liegen. :)

UPDATE! FROZEN is now officially shipping in chronological order of the dates they were purchased! All preorders will be in the mail by next Thursday!

ps: Wir konnten bereits eine grosse Menge absetzen. Wer also noch keine CD bestellt hat, sollte sich beeilen! ;-)


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  • 4 Wochen später...
  neo schrieb:
Was meinst du damit?

Ich glaube er meint, dass man die CD aus Deutschland nicht bestellen kann bzw. sie nicht nach Deutschland versandt wird. Genau das Gleiche habe ich nämlich auch erlebt.

Wollte sie bestellen und bekam nur den Hinweis "Frozen does not ship to Germany".

Ich wollte 2m1records daraufhin per Mail kontaktieren, bekam aber immer nur ne "failure notice".

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