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Varese Sarabande: LOST: THE LAST EPISODES (Michael Giacchino) und THE SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP (Alexandre Desplat) als limitierte Veröffentlichung

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Varese wird am 11.10 zwei neue Titel in der Limited Editions Serie veröffentilchen:

On October 11 we will announce the next two releases in our Limited Edtion series.

Vielleicht gibts ja dann endlich mal Harry Gregson-Williams Seraphim Falls, warte schon lange auf release von diesem, klang echt gut im Film.

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das wär wirklich ein toller release. bin echt gespannt. ne score cd zu CSI: MIAMI wäre auch toll. und da müsste dann das stück von graeme revell (wahrscheinlich) vom schluss aus der 1. episode drauf sein, welches immer mal in allen staffeln zu hören ist. alleine wegen dieses stückes würde ich schon zuschalgen.

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Und hier sind sie:

LOST: The Last Episodes

Original Television Soundtrack

Music Composed by Michael Giacchino

LOST's final season contained just too much great music from Michael Giacchino for a single or even a double CD to suffice. It was clear at the recording session for the series finale that our treatment of this historic television saga demanded an unprecedented final soundtrack release. In total we have chronicled LOST's final season with not one or two or even three CDs full of music, but a full 4 discs, featuring five hours of music! Lost: The Last Episodes now joins our previously released Lost: The Final Season to conclude our presentation of music from LOST's final sixteen episodes.

CD 1 of LOST: The Last Episodes features music from The Candidate, Across The Sea and What They Died For. Disc 2 is devoted solely to the epic and emotional concluding episode, The End. And that brings our LOST soundtrack series to a whopping ten discs! Bravo to Michael Giacchino and congratulations to J.J. Abrams, Damon Lindelof, Carlton Cuse, Bryan Burk and the entire LOST team! And thank you to all the LOST fans who have been part of this epic journey since Varèse Sarabande's Season 1 album. We are thrilled to offer this very special release to bring LOST's musical story to a moving and poignant end.

LOST Season 6 was released on DVD and BluRay from ABC Home Video on August 24.

Varèse Sarabande Catalog #: 302 064 207 2


1. Cage Crashers (:45)

2. Shephards Why (1:08)

3. Sub-Primed (6:33)

4. SS Lost-tanic (6:56)

5. Flew The Coop (2:06)

6. Across the Sea (1:54)

7. Dont Look At the Light (3:31)

8. A Brothers Quarrel (2:58)

9. Make Like a Tree (6:10)

10. Mother of a Plan (5:14)

11. Mother of Sorrows (3:56)

12. Love is Stronger Than Death (2:51)

13. Cereal Experience (2:25)

14. The Four Amigos (1:13)

15. Walk And Talk And Aah! (2:31)

16. Hide and Snitch (3:00)

17. A Better Ben (1:56)

18. What They Died For (3:30)

19. Jacks Cup Runneth Over (1:41)

20. Get Out Of Jail Free Card (3:10)


1. Parallelocam (3:23)

2. Leaver-age (1:10)

3. The Stick With Me Speech (3:05)

4. Ultrasonic Flash (2:52)

5. Fly By Dire (:52)

6. Down The Hobbit Hole (4:34)

7. Dysfunctional Setup (2:15)

8. The Well Of Holes (3:21)

9. Pulling Out All The Stops (2:28)

10. Blood From a Locke (:33)

11. Our Lady of Perpetual Labor (4:35)

12. If A Tree Falls (2:56)

13. Locke v. Jack (2:21)

14. Cant Keep Locke Down (2:51)

15. The Long Kiss Goodbye (5:29)

16. We Can Go Dutch (2:28)

17. Kate Flashes Jack (1:13)

18. Hurleys Coronation (2:47)

19. The Hole Shabang (7:29)

20. Aloha (1:12)

21. Closure (8:08)

22. Jumping Jacks Flash (:56)

23. Moving On (7:53)

Bonus Track:

24. Parting Words (Drive Shaft) (3:32)



Original Television Soundtrack

Music Composed by Alexandre Desplat

The third in screenwriter Peter Morgans trilogy on Tony Blair, following The Deal, which aired on HBO, and the Academy Award-nominated film The Queen, The Special Relationship stars Michael Sheen as Tony Blair and Dennis Quaid as Bill Clinton.

In 1993, ambitious British politician Tony Blair arrives in Washington D.C. to meet with advisors who helped bring Bill Clinton into office. At his meeting, Blair is given war room wisdom: Listen to what the people are saying. Its easier to change what the party stands for than what the people want. Three years later, Blair puts the advice to work, declaring Je suis European at a speech in Paris, committing himself to his fellow Continentals.

When both Blair and Clinton are swept into office, Clinton shares with Blair his excitement over their unique opportunity to advance their center-left ideas and bring genuine change over the next few years. As the two men continue their terms in office, world and personal events determine which man has the upper hand in the long-standing alliance. The conflict in Northern Ireland, the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and differing strategies about the crisis in Kosovo all play a part in shifting their positions on the world stage, and their opinions of each other. And when the 2000 election brings new leadership into the White House, it is up to Blair to decide how the relationship will carry on.

Alexandre Desplat adds another extraordinary score to his long list of recent achievements (The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, The Queen, Twilight: New Moon).

After numerous delays that were beyond our control, which resulted in pushing the album right off our release schedule, we are so happy to finally make this wonderful score available.

THE SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP began airing on HBO on May 29.

Varèse Sarabande Catalog #: 302 064 208 2

1. Tony Meets Bill (4:09)

2. Tony Meets Jacques (3:20)

3. Election Victory (1:20)

4. Northern Ireland (5:37)

5. Hillary C (6:06)

6. Trouble For Bill (1:54)

7. Tony Saves Bill (4:02)

8. Kosovo (5:43)

9. Monica L (5:50)

10. The Chicago Speech (1:59)

11. Number One Leader (5:20)

12. Farewell (3:27)

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Also ich bin jetzt ziemlich sauer. Was soll denn dieser Mist? Wieso wird jetzt, kurz nach dem Release von "LOST - The Final Season" noch eine Doppel CD nachgeschoben?

Eigentlich müsste ich mich freuen, aber das sieht doch sehr nach Geldschneiderei aus. Ich seh schon irgendwann eine Ultimate Edition auf mich zukommen, dann warscheinlich mit der Sinfonie.

Was für ein Mist. Jetzt muss ich mir das Ding trotzdem holen, weil ich einfach süchtig nach dieser Musik bin ... Grrrrrrrrr ...


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Zwar kein Seraphim Falls, ist aber trotzdem doch mal nicht schlecht dieses release. Die erste doppel cd hab ich noch nicht gehört und dann kommt direkt ne zweite von Giacchinos spitzen musik.

Der Desplat klingt auch sehr interessant. Beide geordert.

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  direx schrieb:
Eigentlich müsste ich mich freuen, aber das sieht doch sehr nach Geldschneiderei aus.

Willkommen in der Varese-Welt! :) (Stichwort: Star Trek XI ... komisch, beide sind von Giacchino :))

  direx schrieb:
Was für ein Mist. Jetzt muss ich mir das Ding trotzdem holen, weil ich einfach süchtig nach dieser Musik bin ... Grrrrrrrrr ...

Bin ich froh auch nicht zu den LOST-Fans zu gehören ... puhhh Geld gespart.

Der Desplat klingt ganz nett, ist mir aber keine € 20,- wert ... da kommen im November bestimmt noch weit interessantere Veröffentlichungen auf uns zu! ;)

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