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Drei neue CDs von BSX (Mark Snow, Aldo Shllaku, Halloween Hits)


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Gute Neuigkeiten für Mark Snow Fans (es gibt ja den einen oder anderen hier "an Board" :)):





Original Soundtrack Recording

Music by Mark Snow


This release is limited to 1000 copies only.

The first 100 units sold through the website will include a booklet autographed by the composer.

BUYSOUNDTRAX Records presents NIGHT SINS, featuring music composed by Mark Snow for the 1997 television mini-series directed by Robert Allan Ackerman (LIFE WITH JUDY GARLAND, THE RAMEN GIRL), written by John Leekley (WOLF LAKE, KINDRED: THE EMBRACED), starring Harry Hamlin (VERONICA MARS, L.A. LAW, CLASH OF THE TITANS), Valerie Bertinelli (TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL, ONE DAY AT A TIME), along with Karen Sillas, Martin Donovan, William Russ, Colm Feore, Mariska Hargitay and Jeffrey DeMunn.

Based on the novel by best-selling romance and thriller writer Tami Hoag, NIGHT SINS was a four hour mini-series broadcast on the CBS network in 1997. NIGHT SINS takes place in the small town of Deer Lake, where the investigation into the recent abduction of a young boy becomes the catalyst for a progressively bizarre and disturbing exposé of small town corruption, hypocrisy and perversion that extends back across decades. Reassigned from the big city to take over the investigation from another agent is Seattle Bureau Of Investigation Agent Megan O'Malley (Bertinelli), who finds herself thrown together with Mitch Holt, Deer Lake's chief of police. Holt, who lost his wife and daughter years ago to a vicious killer, is still haunted by his inability to save them from their fate and may even be a potential suspect himself. As the investigation proceeds, O'Malley and Holt struggle with their mutual attraction and try to stay focused on their work.

In 1993, composer Mark Snow began a fruitful creative collaboration with producer Chris Carter on THE X-FILES, which culminated in a unique marriage of music and macabre storytelling. Snow's work on THE X-FILES put him on the Hollywood scoring map, offering up a unique mix of atmospheric sound design and affecting layers of ambient melody on a weekly basis and this sound became very much in demand in the industry. Of the many television movies Snow scored in the 1990's, NIGHT SINS comes the closest to his work on THE X-FILES and contains many of his signature stylings. For NIGHT SINS, the composer wanted "a somber, elegiac, almost medieval sound for the religious overtones of the story, mixed with a lot of scary, dark atmosphere". The final result is an electronic score augmented by piano, harp and xylophone, marking NIGHT SINS as a close relative to THE X-FILES and should appeal to fans of Snow's work on that show.

Mark Snow is primarily known for his work in the medium of television, including many seasons of music scoring for shows such as THE X-FILES, MILLENNIUM, SMALLVILLE, GHOST WHISPERER, NOWHERE MAN and many others. Mark is considered one of television's most capable composers. The large percentage of his musical output has centered around the subjects of the supernatural, the macabre and outright science fiction or dark fantasy but there have been occasions for him to break out and work on other projects, such as PRIVATE FEARS IN PUBLIC PLACES and WILD GRASS for Alain Resnais, the great French director.

Mark Snow has worked on more than a hundred television movies and series, PC games and feature films including THE X-FILES, MILLENNIUM, SMALLVILLE, GHOST WHISPERER, NOWHERE MAN and the recent THE X-FILES: I WANT TO BELIEVE feature film. Mark has been nominated for 14 Primetime Emmy awards since 1984 and won at least 19 ASCAP awards. The composer is also a founding member of the legendary New York Rock'n'Roll ensemble, along with fellow composer Michael Kamen. The band was signed to Atlantic Records and Mark toured and recorded with them for 5 years before turning his focus to writing music for film and television.

BUYSOUNDTRAX Records presents the original motion picture soundtrack

to NIGHT SINS, featuring music composed by Mark Snow.

NIGHT SINS is a limited edition release of 1000 units.



Original Soundtrack Recording

Music by Aldo Shllaku


This release is limited to 1000 copies only.

The first 100 units sold through the website will include a booklet autographed by the composer.

BUYSOUNDTRAX Records presents the original soundtrack to ON A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT, featuring music composed by Aldo Shllaku for the 2010 horror film directed by Ezequiel and starring Juan Riedinger, Eva-Marie Leonardou, Aaron Massey, Tamela D'Amico, Mike Tursi, Marlies Pinto, Anna Ward and Adrian Quihuis.

ON A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT tells the story of a group of friends who find their lives changed forever during a party on Halloween Night. It begins with Andrew accidentally killing someone at the party. Worried that his girlfriend will go to the police, Andrew's friend Gray quickly solves the problem by killing Roxanne. While Andrew and Gray try to figure out what to do with the bodies, more of their friends begin arriving at the party. Even though Gray is successfully able to hide the bodies, he begins to unravel as the night progresses and starts to kill off the rest of their friends until the only person left is Andrew.

Anything can happen ON A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT.

For the music of ON A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT, composer Aldo Shllaku wrote a score that draws from an orchestral palette of woodwinds, brass, percussion, strings, augmented by elements of sound design, frequently shifting gears from tonal to atonal music, keeping pace with the rollercoaster events taking place in director Ezekiel's film. The director and the composer were both on the same page right from the beginning of composition and Ezekiel trusted Aldo and left him to his own devices. The final result of Aldo's work overwhelmed the director and made him forget he'd made a low budget horror film.

Composer Aldo Shllaku grew up in a very artistic family. His parents were actors, his brother was an artist. Realizing that Aldo had similar inclinations, his father sent him to private music lessons, starting at the age of six. These lessons prepared Aldo for the Performing Music Program of the Onufri Arts School in Albania. Aldo then pursued his education abroad, first in Greece and then to Canada, where he earned a Bachelor's Degree in Music Composition at the Université de Montréal. From Canada, he was accepted into the Graduate Program at the University Of Southern California and earned the Harry Warren Award for Scoring In Motion Pictures And Television. He completed his studies at USC under the guidance of composers Joe Harnell, David Raksin, Christopher Young and Jack Smalley.

Aldo has earned his living as a performer and accompanist and later as a composer, orchestrator, music director and arranger. He has written music for feature films and short films, documentaries and television. His repertoire includes compositions for orchestra, chamber ensembles and various instruments. His travels have made him fluent in English, French, Italian, Greek and Albanian and have also helped to provide Aldo with a unusually wide range of musical styles to draw from.

BUYSOUNDTRAX Records is excited to present the first soundtrack release of Aldo Shllaku's work to the world.

ON A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT is a limited edition release of 1000 units.


HALLOWEEN HORROR HITS - Classic Horror Themes from Film and Television

Music by Various Artists



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  Kusi81 schrieb:
Die Samples des Snow-Scores klingen scho sehr nach Akte X!!! Diese CD ist schon fast gekauft und überbrückt vielleicht die Wartezeit auf das LALA-Set :)

Wirklich wahr.. ja dafür ist es ziemlich gut. Im Moment läufts super mit Musik von Mark Snow. Lone Gunmen und Harsh Realms war schon super und Night Sins klingt nochmal etwas mehr nach den X-Files. Wirklich gute Überbrückung bis zu dem heißerwarteten X-Files Release ;)

In dem Zuge werde ich mir wohl auch den Score zu "Private Fears in Public Places" zulegen. Alex hat ihn mir hier schon mal empfohlen, bin jetzt durch Zufall wieder drüber gestolpert. Auch nochmal eine kleine Zusatzüberbrückung.

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  Nightwalker schrieb:
In dem Zuge werde ich mir wohl auch den Score zu "Private Fears in Public Places" zulegen. Alex hat ihn mir hier schon mal empfohlen, bin jetzt durch Zufall wieder drüber gestolpert. Auch nochmal eine kleine Zusatzüberbrückung.

hmmm, hab ich mir auch schon überlegt, in welche Richtung geht denn dieser Soundtrack?

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  Kusi81 schrieb:
hmmm, hab ich mir auch schon überlegt, in welche Richtung geht denn dieser Soundtrack?

Stell dir einfach die melancholischen Themen von "MillenniuM" auf eine ganze CD verteilt vor, ohne die düsteren Suspensepassagen, dafür mit einem ordentlichen Schuss "Schneeglöckchen", der Film spielt ja in der Winterzeit. Es gibt ebenfalls einige Einsätze der Solovioline aus "MillenniuM", im Booklet erfährt man auch, dass der Film mit Musik aus "Akte X" und "MillenniuM" unterlegt wurde als Temp Track, quasi nach seinem eigenen Vorbild hat Snow seine Musik geschrieben.

In diesem Trailer kannst du Snows Musik hören, ist ausnahmslos seine Musik aus dem Film:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE6Sz1LsSJQ]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

Bearbeitet von Alexander Grodzinski
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Gast Stefan Jania
  Alexander Grodzinski schrieb:
Der Film ist mir zwar völlig unbekannt, aber ein neuer Snow ist immer willkommen. :)

Dann darfst insbesondere Du Dich im nächsten Jahr auf weitere BSX-Bestellungen gefasst machen. ;)

It's also a pleasure to work with Mr. Snow. We have a few more scores of his coming out in 2011.

Mark Banning

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Nicht unbedingt, es gibt auch andere Händler, die BSX-CDs verkaufen, sogar signierte...:)...da entfällt dann die "Score-Search"...;) *Nudgenudge*

Aber es scheint, als arbeite BSX diverse Bootlegs von Snows Scores ab (nach "Conundrum" nun "Night Sins"), mir soll es recht sein.

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