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Intrada: GATOR - Charles Bernstein / PATTON - Jerry Goldsmith


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Composed and Conducted by CHARLES BERNSTEIN

INTRADA Special Collection Volume 149

For the 1976 sequel to White Lightning -- simply called Gator after Burt Reynolds' character -- composer Charles Bernstein needed to come up with a more urbane approach to scoring, without losing the musical attitude that helped make the first film so popular. With the film's change of locale from the country to the urban setting of Dunston, Bernstein moved away from the banjo-picking car chase kind of sound to grittier action music. All the banjo, harmonica and whistling had all but been left back in the Okefenokee in favor of jazz strut and electric guitar funk found notably in Gators main theme. Bernsteins new theme for McKlusky portrays Gator as a charismatic hero to be reckoned with. There's a love interest this time around as well, giving Bernstein the opportunity to write some sensitive, romantic tunes.

The plot of Gator finds McKlusky up to his old swampland tricks with grandfather and daughter in tow. All it takes is one motorboat pursuit for the law to press Gator into turning reluctant informant against his old criminal pals. This time its childhood friend Bama McCall (Jerry Reed),whose extortion and prostitution racket has turned him into a virtual Godfather of Dunston County. Confronted with the harsh facts of his friends corruption, McKlusky unreservedly vows to bring down Bamawith the help of intrepid television reporter Aggie Maybank (Lauren Hutton), the G-man Irving Greenfield (Jack Weston) who sticks out in Dunston like a bagel in a bucket of grits, and the cat-obsessed public crusader Emmeline Cavanaugh (Alice Ghostley).

This Intrada Signature Edition is limited to 1000 units.

INTRADA Special Collection Volume 149

Retail Price: $19.99


For track listing and sound samples, please visit







For the Oscar-nominated score the 1970 20th-Century Fox film Patton, composer Jerry Goldsmith wrote a brief score for the epic-length story of this most famous WWII general. Goldsmith treated Patton as a three-tiered personality. "So there was, naturally, the Warrior, which would be treated with the march; the religious aspect of him, which was the chorale; and then the fanfare, whichwas the archaic, his belief in reincarnation, remarked Goldsmith.

When the film was first released, an actual soundtrack album was not made available. Instead, Goldsmith chose to go to England and record the highlights with faithful performances that he could tailor for listening purposes, as opposed to tempos and timings that mirrored the needs of the picture. It was a superb performance, one the composer himself described as the best, in a detailed recording that enhanced everything from the balancing of those famous echoplex trumpet triplets with the orchestra through the organ passages right on down to the snapping pizzicato figures in the strings. In addition to delivering a commanding performance, Goldsmith scored a unique new sequence never recorded for the film: a dynamic rendition of his German march melody, only a variation of which was quoted on the soundtrack in "German Advance." Goldsmith took the opportunity to score a special version of this striking march in a straight-forward setting, illuminating the importance of the melody and using it to dramatically close out the first side of his original LP under the title Winter March. On the 1970 stereo album released by 20th Century-Fox Records, the second side closed with the End Title actually being mixed in mono and relegated to one channel to make room for George C. Scotts moving final speech. This premiere release of the LP program on CD presents that sequence in stereo without the dialogue as a bonus.

The second disc features a re-issue of the original soundtrack recording. It also features a bonus: a lengthy track featuring a working session with Goldsmith and the echoplex to get the echoing fanfare just right.

This release features both discs in pristine sound, finally presenting all the material recorded for Patton in a single, definitive soundtrack edition for the film's 40th anniversary.


Retail Price: $19.99


For track listing and sound samples, please visit


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  horner1980 schrieb:
Schön, dass Patton nicht limitiert ist :) Heißt man muss nicht sofort zuschlagen, aber zuschlagen werd ich wohl mit Sicherheit.

Es lohnt sich! :D Aber was ich auch gut finde ist, dass man das Cover nicht geändert hat. ;)


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