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Varèse Sarabande CD-Club: THE KARATE KID (Bill Conti), TAPS (Maurice Jarre), HOME MOVIES (Pino Donaggio) und FAMILY PLOT (John Williams)

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Und hier sind die 2 neuen Club Cds:


Music Composed by Bill Conti

A Conti classic returns!

For those who may have missed our The Karate Kid boxed set, featuring the scores for all four Karate Kid films, now comes the opportunity of buying Bill Contis original score for the first film, all by itself.

Bill Contis score for 1984s The Karate Kid is one of the quintessential scores from the 80s that everyone remembers. It is also a score that left film music fans of the time absolutely bewildered that such a famous score for such a successful film could go unreleased. Contis score is, at turns, charming, beautiful, pensive and powerful. It hits all the right notes and features none other than Zamfir himself on pan flute, representing the mystic side of Pat Moritas Mr. Miyagi. The Karate Kid was directed by Contis long-time friend and frequent collaborator John G. Avildsen. Along with Ralph Macchio, who played karate kid Daniel Larusso in the first three films, The Karate Kid starred the ever-adorable Elizabeth Shue.

The master for this CD is identical to disc one from our previous boxed set.

Catalog #: VCL 1110 1117

2. Fite Nite (2:01)

3. Bumpy Ride (1:37)

4. Dan Ducks Out (:55)

5. Bonsai Tree (:43)

6. Decorate The Gym (:39)

7. Miyagi Rattles Bones (2:21)

8. Miyagi Intercedes (1:28)

9. On To Miyagis (1:33)

10. The Pact (2:12)

11. Feel The Night (1:56) (Demo) (Bill Conti and Baxter Robinson) Performed by Baxter Robinson

12. Troubled Lovers (:33)

13. Japanese Sander (1:26)

14. Paint The Fence (3:11)

15. Daniel Sees The Bird (2:38)

16. Fish & Train (2:28)

17. Training Hard (2:29)

18. The Kiss (1:02)

19. Japanese Hand Clap (:40)

20. No Mercy (:23)

21. Daniels Moment Of Truth (1:52)


Music Composed by Pino Donaggio

The complete original soundtrack album of Pino Donaggios score for Brian De Palmas 1981 film Home Movies comes to CD for the film time! Kirk Douglas, Nancy Allen and Vincent Gardenia starred in the unusual comedy.

The original Varèse Sarabande Home Movies album was released in 1980. A suite of the score turned up ten years later on our CD Pino Donaggio: Symphonic Suites, a CD Club 1.0 era release. Finally, to conclude our historic year of CD Club 2010 releases, we close on this decidedly light note, with this whimsical and tuneful music from our old friend Pino Donaggio.

Catalog #: VCL 1110 1118

1. Fanfare / Main Title Theme (2:35)

2. Kristina Bites Off More Than She Can Chew (:35)

3. True Love (Denis Meets Kristina) (1:40)

4. Denis Up A Tree (:52)

5. Sniffing, Or Betrayed By A Burger (1:07)

6. Lament For Kristina (1:56)

7. Chit Chat At The Byrds (In Their Natural Habitat) (1:01)

8. The Oldest Living Movie Directress (1:31)

9. Bunny Speaks! (1:27)

10. Montage (2:13)

11. Confessions Of A Nymphomaniac (1:00)

12. Kaleidoscope (4:32)

13. Tragic Rendezvous In The Woods (:46)

14. Good Morning. Im Denis. And This Is My Life. (1:06)

15. Kristina Packs The Organic Lunch (1:54)

16. Caught In The Act (4:01)

17. Memories Of Kristina (2:58)

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Music Composed by Maurice Jarre

We are so happy to offer this premiere release of Maurice Jarre’s 1981 score, Taps, as one of our latest CD Club additions. Jarre's piano, brass and percussion based score has never before been released. The score is both powerful and haunting and this CD will be a revelation for even those who know the music from this film!

Taps was a powerhouse of young talent, with Timothy Hutton, Tom Cruise and Sean Penn starring alongside George C. Scott and Ronny Cox in this Harold Becker directed film.

When a fiercely devoted group of Military School cadets learn that their school is being sold to real estate developers, they refuse to accept defeat...instead choosing to rise up together to protect the Academy and their honor. But the brave young soldiers soon learn that the most courageous decisions can sometimes have unexpected – and even fatal – consequences!

Catalog #: VCL 1110 1116

1. “Taps” (2:05)

2. Main Title (1:37)

3. Indians On TV (:34)

4. Honor (1:19)

5. “Black Jack March” / “Semper Fidelis March” (3:16)

6. Memories (1:18)

7. We’re Here (1:35)

8. “Love Is A Many Splendored Thing” (Fain/Webster) (2:23)

9. Defense Preparation (1:08)

10. One Minute To Comply (1:46)

11. “Scipio March” (1:29)

12. What Will The General Do? (1:27)

13. I Cried For 15 Minutes (1:38)

14. “The More I See You” (Warren/Gordon) (2:47)

15. Take One Step Forward (1:31)

16. The National Guard (3:21)

17. Mordant Tones (2:39)

18. Betrayal (2:14)

19. Tanks Approaching (1:03)

20. Tapped Out (2:05)

21. I Don’t Wanna Die (2:06)

22. We’ve Won The War (1:36)

23. “Black Jack March” (Reprise) (1:32)

24. End Credits (2:49)


25. Main Title (Alternate) (1:48)

26. “Taps Disco” (10:23)

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Music Composed by John Williams

The most important, previously unreleased, John Williams score finally comes to CD, and it only took 34 years! Here it is … John Williams’ 1976 score for Alfred Hitchcock’s final film – Family Plot.

Only the film’s spirited End Title has ever been released previously. At long last, the entire magical, mischievous and macabre score is available. Family Plot is a very important score for Williams in that it established a certain approach and tone of writing that he would further explore in such diverse later scores as Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Home Alone, The Witches of Eastwick and Harry Potter, among others.

A wealthy old woman hires a con man (Bruce Dern) and a phony psychic (Barbara Harris) to find her long-lost nephew. The results are diabolically funny as this suspense-comedy combines mystery and mayhem in nonstop excitement from beginning to end.

Catalog #: VCL 1110 1115

1. The First Séance (5:29)

2. Blanche’s Challenge (2:09)

3. The Mystery Woman (3:27)

4. The Rescue Of Constantine / The Diamond Chandelier (2:21)

5. Kitchen Pranks (2:08)

6. The Shoebridge Headstone (2:23)

7. Maloney’s Visit To The Jewelry Store / Maloney’s Knife / The Stake Out (4:58)

8. The Second Séance (2:20)

9. Nothing Held Back (:37)

10. The White Mustang (1:19)

11. Blanche And George (1:17)

12. Maloney’s Exit (2:03)

13. Share And Share Alike (:54)

14. The Mondrian Shot / The Revealed Identity (1:47)

15. The Search Montage (3:41)

16. Blanche’s Arrival / Blanche’s Note (2:29)

17. Blanche Gets The Needle (3:03)

18. Breaking Into The House (5:16)

19. The Secret Door / Blanche Wakes Up (1:39)

20. End Cast (4:14)

21. Family Plot Theme (2:38)

22. The Stonecutter (6:35)

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  ronin1975 schrieb:
na also Family Plot is doch nen Kracher! dass das überhaupt noch das Licht des Tages erblickte! Krass!

Karate Kid find ich merkwürdig, is der so in demand???

Naja, der war ja bisher nur in der ausverkauften 4er Box erhältlich oder? Also eher wohl als "Geschenk" für die zuverstehen, die nur den ersten Teil haben wollen.

  Csongor schrieb:
Hör Dir die Sound-Clips an, in etwa so klingt der Rest des Soundtracks auch.

Also ein typischer Williams :)

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FAMILY PLOT ist natürlich bestellt. Der Donaggio-Score hört sich auch sehr interessant an, deshalb habe ich den gleich mal dazu bestellt.

Sehr schön ist ja auch, dass man bei Varèse nun mit PayPal bezahlen kann. Dann muss man das nicht immer alles über die Kreditkarte machen...

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Gast Stefan Jania

Family Plot ist übrigens wie das Bootleg nur in mono. Von Mike Matessino:


In response to some emails I received and some comments here I thought I'd post some clarification. The only surviving elements for "Family Plot" are the 3-track mono mixdowns which we encounter often in scores from this period. Rather than just present mono, some very careful and attentive engineering was implemented to bring out the best of what the element offers but stopping short of things sounding weird and unbalanced... as was the case with the End Credits on the Hip-O label a while back. That release accessed the same element for that track (truncated and somehow presented at a noticeably slow speed) and you could hear there how odd it is to have all the strings on the left channel and the harpsichord on the far right.

Our booklet has a technical note explaining this a bit further, but actually Bruce Kimmel recently went into detail about this phenomenon at the Kritzerland site in discussing his "Carrie" release, explaining how you can basically get a stereo "field" but not a traditional stereo instrumental "spread." On that title he had the luxury of going beyond the 3-track mono element and back to the multi-track for a proper remix, just as FSM was able to do for "Black Sunday," but sadly no other elements from "Family Plot" were located in the Universal archives. This being the case, we worked hard to give a consistent and full-bodied sound to this long sought-after score.

Wird also das gleiche aufgepeppte Mono werden, was La-La Land bei Poseidon als stereo verkauft hat.
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