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FSM: THE BIG BUS (David Shire)


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Eine neue CD von FSM:

Four years before Airplane!, there was The Big Bus (1976), Paramounts wacky spoof of the immensely popular disaster movie genre (Airport, The Poseidon Adventure, Earthquake, etc). The Big Bus is the story of Cyclops, the first nuclear-powered bus, on its maiden voyagenon-stop from New York to Denver. The crew of Cyclops must battle not only various technical difficulties (including brake failure), and a bus load of crazy passengers, but a determined effort from an inept criminal mastermind bent on discrediting the massive 75-ton vehicle.

In a year filled with seven other scoring assignments, composer David Shire welcomed the opportunity to write a big, over-the-top orchestral score: I could pull all the stops out and get as loud and silly as I want to. Featuring an exciting main theme (occasionally propelled by a pounding pop beat) and a noir-ish love theme, the music supports the onscreen parody with an authentic and contemporary adventure score.

This premiere release of the complete score was prepared under the supervision of the composerwho combined certain cues for home listening pleasureand remixed by Martin Erskine from the original 16-track 2 masters.

Informative notes by Scott Bettencourt, Jeff Bond and Alexander Kaplan include excerpts from interviews with Shire and Second City alumnus Murphy Dunne, whose outrageous portrayal of lounge singer Tommy Joyce is a comic highlight of the film. Bonus tracks include Dunnes performance, source cues and alternates.

The Big Bus will take you on an adventurous musical journey with thrills and chillsand a few laughsalong the way. Get on board.

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