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Clint Mansell schreibt die Musik für das Videospiel MASS EFFECT 3

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Tja nun geht er auch unter den Videospielkomponisten oder hatte er sowas schonmal gemacht (der Film Doom zählt nicht ;))

Clint Mansell, composer of such classic motion picture scores as 'The Fountain' and 'Requiem For a Dream' dropped the news that he is writing the musical score for the last chapter in BioWare's epic Mass Effect trilogy in an interview with The Quietus about his latest film, 'Black Swan'.

The website Badass Digest picked up on the news of Mansell's involvement in Mass Effect 3, which saw the composer asked about whether he does much work for other outlets like computer games. Mansell responded by saying: "I'm doing a video game this year actually. Mass Effect 3".

When describing what it's like to score a video game, Mansell said: "As I was saying about Public Enemy and re-working old hip-hop tunes for Requiem, and kind of re-working old ballet tunes for Black Swan, with something like Mass Effect you're more like a DJ, with all these elements. You've got the holding pattern, then the big explosion where you need the score to kick in. Then you need to take it off on a tangent. You've got all these different elements that change depending on what the player does. You have to figure out an overall symphony, but be able to break it down into component parts. You can bring the pain when required".

This is incredible news as Mansell is regarded by many as one of the most gifted composers working in the film industry today. His music is famous for being as epic as it is haunting. His involvement in Mass Effect 3 gives us good reason to believe we might be in for the most emotionally devastating game in BioWare's space opera franchise yet.

Film Composer Clint Mansell to Score Mass Effect 3 - Xbox 360 News at IGN

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